Friday, June 17, 2011

The School of Life

I've got that feeling.

The excited nervous one where I wonder if our new international exchange student will

Love us or  Hate us

Think we are messy and loud

Love my cooking or not

Be lovely or difficult

If I will have *enough time and patience* to have someone else live here with us

The girls keep asking daily what our students name is and when is she going to get here.

Some people say they could never have exchange students in their home whilst they have kids but I say I couldn't do it without the kids. Kids have no worries talking to someone who can't understand them. They gabber on regardless, where I feel frustration if my point isn't getting across.They can treat someone like family after only knowing them a day. The greetings, hugs, read me a story, telling them how to do everything. The girls truly make it more easier to host a student.

I've been on break from this for 2 years! I can barely believe it! I blogged about it here - The end of the world as we know it  - the good and bad with finishing being a homestay family, and now here I am 2 years later doing it all over again.

They come here for school, but I often feel like I am the one being schooled.

Wish me luck.

I'm so worried about the poor girl freezing to death in our house I've got her a big fluffy dressing gown, a homemade heat rice bag and a packet of tim tams waiting as her welcome gift!


  1. I think what you are doing is pretty cool, but would be nervous of the whole drinking scenerio that usually comes with that age group. In the past, did you allow the students to drink coffee. We had a girl come live with us from Austria for a summer and thankfully coffee was not an issue. She even went to church with us, but now we have another girl coming to stay with us and I am nervous if for the month she is here she can go without coffee.

  2. I allow coffee that they keep in their own room, but most are happy to drink hot chocolate. We do not allow smoking or drinking (we have had a couple of smokers and they were always very good about not smoking anywhere near our house!) and most if they drank alcohol kept it to friday nights when they were out in the city.

    Most of our students strictly follow our rules as we have the international school to back us and we just give the excuse that we have small children that we dont want to haveand they are always happy to abide for that reason.

    the most problems we have every had were personality ones. We had a couple of guys we just did not get on with, but for the most part 80% the students are great.


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