Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chicken Soup Anniversary

You wanna know my secret to winning The Mr over?

Chicken Soup.

Oh yes. And not even the homemade variety.

From August - October 1998 The Mr and I were passing silly emails every couple of days.

Then one day he got sick. Sick enough to stay home in bed.

He sent a long email about being sick and signed it - virtually yours *sniffle*

Well that was my opening. And looky now, we are celebrating our 13th chicken soup anniversary!

Sent:  Wednesday 21 October
subject: RE: Help me!

Oh my dearest darling!
Are you feeling any better? I do hope you are. I hate to hear that my sweetie pie is not feeling the best... I  hope you are well enough to come see me at institute tonight... thank you for your long email... wasnt I just complaining the other day that they weren't long enough... well I have nothing to complain about now... oh you just are perfect arent you? I bet you treat all the girls like this. I am just one of the many that you have on a string, sending emails to..... Oh why, why does it have to be this way... Is there more to life, or will it just be a life full of cold and unloving computers, with no real touch or affection?

Be well... just think of me... oh no that could make you more sick!!!!

This girl loves to talk xx

I dropped the hint atleast 3 times that night at institute (he got himself off his sick bed on the chance to catch me there) that I could visit him after my university class the next day as he was taking a sick day home. Took 3 big hint drops for him to say sure come on over. (our first date? First time alone? and he was sick and didn't even know it... poor guy didn't know what hit him ;)

So I came bearing soup and chocolate.

We still have the can of soup!!  It's starting to rust now after 13 years of sitting with the food storage. I should have preserved it better. Also looking at the gastly nikko I used to inscribe our names... I wish scrapbooking had been around then... I could make an awesome soup can cover  now ;)

I'm thinking we should totally celebrate this special day with Chicken Soup every year. Strictly speaking canned soup would be more authentic but now that I'm older and wiser (and a much better cook) I'm thinking homemade soup is the way to go. Plus we never ate that Can soup for a reason.. yick.

So in years to come when the kids ask "Why do we eat Chicken Soup on the 21st October"

The Mr and I can wink at eachother and reminise.

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talk talk talk... leave me some talk!