Monday, December 19, 2011

Grandparents Christmas Dinner

My true love gave to me.... a fancy dinner party...

Our long awaited Christmas Dinner has arrived.

I've been thinking about possible menu ideas for a while now.

And nudging the Mr to decided upon something as he is the one that cooks all the mains.

On the Monday Night Before Christmas we hold our annual Grandparents Christmas Dinner.

So today the

House Cleaned
Food purchased
Spent half the day cooking
Spent the other half making decorations

Now we just await the special guests.

We like to thank our parents for their love and help all year. We love to let our kids have both sets of Grandparents to themselves (though one kid did ask... Are their ANY kids coming to our party?? lol) We love the opportunity to have a formal dinner and get out the crystal glasses. I love to try and decorate and do place settings. It only seems to happen once a year!

I believe we've been doing this tradition for about 8 years. And it just keeps getting better.

I love any tradition where my husband cooks a wonderful meal for me xx
This was his first time doing a baked ham and it was wonderful!

This years menu:

Entree: Creamy Parsnip Soup  (recipe here)

Main: Pineapple and Ginger Glazed Ham with Mango and Lime Mayo ( Recipe here ) Turkey, Asparagus and Beans with Cranberry's and Cashews ( recipe here) , Roast carrot, potato, Pumpkin. Home made tomato chutney ( recipe here)

Dessert: Chocolate Ripple Cake - Buche de Noel. ( recipe here )

Drinks: Sparkling Pear and Sparkling Apple and Liggonberry (from Ikea)

I filled the space above the table with these stars .
Very easy and quick to make! watch out they are addictive!
I plan to decorate the girls room with them when we are done with Christmas.

and yes I did match my outfit to my table decor....

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