Monday, January 16, 2012

Off to School!

Last week while the older girls were sleeping over at the neighbours I got to witness my two younger playing with the toy food and playing babies. It was sweet and touching and I almost shed a tear that it won't happen too often now that Miss G is off to school.

Don't get me wrong, I think she is totally ready and willing to go to school. But are we?

When we bought her school supplies (in early jan) she thought it meant she was starting school in two days. She sung and danced her way through the westfield shouting

I'm going to school! In two days I start school!

I said to her 'that sadly I have decided that she is too little to go to school and that I changed my mind and that she has to stay home with me instead.'

She looked me square in the eye and said
"Don't worry mummy. I'll draw you a picture while I'm at school".

This will make you happy while I am away.

... see the kid won't even miss me.

She has been talking about school since her sisters finished school last year. She thought after Christmas she could start school. She askes every day 'how many weeks/days still I start school' (she prefers hearing 2 -3 weeks etc as that sounds a smaller number than 25 days etc )

Every time a child starts school I worry that I haven't taught them enough. Did I spend the right amount of time teaching them the important things of life that will now be diluted by other people and other influences. Do they understand how much we love and cherish them and will be their support in tough times and that WE are more important than any friends or teachers could be?

It's a little step into the world. It's a special time, one that I will only get to experience four times. At my third time I'm not really worried or anxious at all. I'm more excited for her.

Next week when it's just me and miss N staring at eachother...

... missing our little firecracker Miss G...

Then perhaps we shall know what we have lost. Never to get back.

Cherish your little ones. They don't stay little forever.

Perhaps it wont be so easy afterall. Miss G cried today when she realised she won't be coming to mothers group with me anymore. She realised she will only be able to see her best friend on Sundays. When I told N not to worry when her older sister was mean to her - that we'll have all the toys to ourselves next week, she realised Miss N will get to do our usual fun stuff and that she won't be with us doing it.

Here's to school yard tears!

We all gotta grow up.

Now she's back to all excited about it.

Obviously we are on the same page. Excited but understand what we will be missing.

Only one week left!

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talk talk talk... leave me some talk!