Monday, April 23, 2012

A Single Saturday

The weather was perfect and we had no plans! That is plain crazy.

Having a big family, lovely friends and heavily involved in church usually fills nearly every Saturday in our year. Birthdays, parties, potlucks, weddings, engagements, baptisms, conferences, church functions ~ the list goes on.  We usually {happily} follow a schedule determined by everyone else.

We rarely have to create our own calendar {kinda sad when I think about it?}

With nothing to do we followed a friends lead about a free community festival
{not our community though.. almost felt like an illegal someone was going to guess any minute that I actually did not live in that area.}

Apart from being so hot I thought I was going to faint!
{ummm hotter than summer weather in Autumn? This is crazy}
 The girls had an enjoyable day.

Had to blog it cause I had cute photos.

And a Saturday to ourselves.


Everything except lunch foods was free. There were some long lines, but worth it for FREE Fairy Floss, Pony Rides, The Big Slide, Mini Ferris Wheel, Helium Balloons and Baby Farm Animals.

The snake and repile show was a favourite with my animal loving girl who spent easily 2 hours on her own watching that and playing with the baby farm animals.

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talk talk talk... leave me some talk!