Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Daisy Chain Moments

Had a lightbulb moment via another today

There is a large park we have to pass through on our way to school.

Often Miss N asks to stop. Most times I have to say no.
{We are late, too busy, on our way to another place, have to rush home, on bikes etc}

All too often I take us in the car and we bypass the opportunity to relish in our community

Today I deemed it was the only day this week with nowhere for me to be

We would walk!

On the way back I offered - would you like to stop at the park

A BIG YES and a big smile

We sat and played.

Then I noticed all the clover coming out

Each year we sit and make daisy chains out of clover - see here and here

I thought we could sit and make some.

Picking and Sitting and Joining flowers

 I notice a young man sitting on the swings nearby watching us.

I thought it a little odd but kept going about our business

A few minutes later he approaches and asks if he can take a polaroid photo of us
{he was shy and said its really hard to ask people permission to photograph them}

He is documenting people in Brisbane enjoying 'free' pursuits

He was so intrigued and admired that we were sitting making daisy chains in a public park

It was for a university assignment but he hopes to become a documentary photo journalist one day

I gave my consent and four very expensive polaroids were taken of us.

(Polaroid no longer make the film but gave their 'recipe' to another company that has started manufacturing it - however they can not manufacture it perfectly and the film has different results each time and is often badly exposed and only half works out - which adds to its creative look)

Had the most lovely chat and we parted ways with words of I hope you achieve your dreams.
I thanked him for literally making my day.

Tears welled up in my eyes on the way home

That young man touched my heart. He reminded me of perhaps the hundreds of moments I have missed in the rush of life. The thousands of times I have had to say no. That he saw some type of beauty in a few precious minutes of time spent with my child.

That indeed the best things in life are free.

*and today a day later I was at the park and the field of clover was gone.

Mowed over.

Precious moments are truly fleeting and must be caught!


  1. It sounds like a lovely moment...of course my suspicious nature would have resulted in getting my kids out of there post haste.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful post :) There are several good lessons in it I think..

    How very wonderful for a child to be offered their heart's desire before they have to ask or beg for it. (One of the happiest and strongest memories of my childhood is having my mother once join my friends and me in a game of skipping, without me even having to ask :)

    You also remind me of something that happened to me on a train many years ago. I was travelling with our three young children, all aged under two and a half at the time, on our way to meet my husband at the Brisbane Ekka. We were excited and happy and chattering away together, when I noticed a young man a little way across the aisle who keep looking at us. And suddenly I realized what it was that he could see - and I knew how blessed I was to be right there doing exactly what I was doing, not only on that train but in my life :)

    I haven't made a daisy chain for years, but I'm going to make one this week :)


  3. Thank you for making my day by this reminder as well.


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