Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fathers Day 2012 Musings...

The Mr is so hard to buy for.
{he's not into many manly pursuits - nix on sports stuff, fishing, car interests, building, clothes etc}

Poor guy has been recieving reincarnations of tie, socks, favourite chocolate and ginger beer for every birthday, christmas, fathers day for 11 years now.

I took the girls shopping with money for each of them to buy a small thing for daddy. They got distracted and started fooling around and/or shopping for things THEY want.

I was exasperated cause I also had NO IDEA what to get Daddy and begged them to just choose something! Cause behaviour is heading out the door and we better leave before they kick us out.

One daughter replied 'We dont know what to get daddy cause WE'RE GIRLS!!! It's impossible!'


Lucky our daddy loves copious amounts of ties and socks and ginger beer and homemade cards.

He's so easy to please.

Sometimes forced retail based holidays {think valentines, mothers day and fathers day} can seem a bit cheesy, annoying, sad {if you don't have that in your life}, and nothing like that portrayed in commercials.

But around Fathers Day I'm always a little grateful.

I often worry that my girls are mama's girls. I can justify thinking 'well they might prefer me as I am same sex parent', they prefer me cause I primarily look after all their needs as small children and with extended breastfeeding daddy didn't have to do much for them, don't all kids love their mother best?

I worry when they bypass their father to ask me something, come to me for comfort after hurting themselves, to feed them when they wake up, to put them to bed, to read their books, to soothe them when sick. Daddy is good for computer help. Climbing on the roof. Kiteflying. Bike fixing. Asking deep questions. A hug in the morning until the little one says 'Ipad Daddy?" There's nothing wrong with this differentiation but I want girls that will curl up and find deep connection and comfort with their father.

So I love Fathers Day.

To me a Fathers role with their daughters is one of the most important ever. Perhaps because I believe in a Father in Heaven but a good father on earth just makes that connection between the two so even easier. A Father is strong, level headed, full of guidance, will always have your back, provides for you in all ways. A quiet force in the background of your life never wavering.

So I love my kids on Fathers Day

I loved their excitement to give their presents.
To climb into bed with him.
To make him breakfast.
To steal his ginger beer and chocolates {kids know their parents are sharers }

Fathers can sometimes be harder to get closer to then mothers.

But when you do its such a strong connection that makes my heart soar.

and the coolest daddies wear homemade paper ties and love cheap plastic watches
and look gorgeous in portraits drawn during church {picture by Miss G}

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