Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Hill

Our 'official with ring' engagement anniversary.

This is one of my favourite family traditions. And the kids love it too.
We take them back to the spot Daddy Proposed to Mummy and have a picnic.

Last week we were dropping a friend home and by accident happened to be driving past our hill.

We gave a contended sigh and said 'oh its our hill'

And we knew we would be back shortly.
It had been a year since our last visit and here we drove past twice in a week!

Four days ago The Mr texted me saying happy anniversary..

I was like 'ummmm it's on the 26th....'

He said I always forget the exact day. All I know is that I knew for days beforehand that I had the ring and that I was going to propose and that I was happy nervous all week about it.

It was the last secret I was ever to keep from you.

and my heart melted into a puddle on the floor.

Our yearly picnic and pictures at our hill makes me feel funny.

I don't think about the pressure of parenthood too often. I mean its just my family...

But being there each year makes me look at what our family has become from that first time.

I feel such emotion about making sure I get things right

I see my family before me.

I see what was and what will be.

I see humble beginnings and two people muddling through life together.

It makes me want to be better.

And the kids wrap themselves in blankets and roll down the hill like crazy people.

They make me laugh.

And I love that they love to visit our hill with their nostalgic parents.

And they ask when are we going to visit the tallest hill... .Not THE tallest hill (mt gravatt look out) the other tallest hill.... the tallest hill where daddy gave you the ring...

I love that to a child's eye, a tiny hill in the city is like being so lofty, high in the air.

Just like a young couples goals 14 years ago.

May we be able to stay always on the tallest hill, the happy heights of life together. xx

1 comment:

talk talk talk... leave me some talk!