Monday, December 3, 2012

12 Dates of Christmas {A Christmas Tip}

Ever since hearing about this idea I've loved it!   see here

Perfect if you are a young married or child free couple or your children are grown enough to look after themselves.

I had plans to really try to attemp to achieve this goal starting end of November with two dates a week.. but then my husband announces he will be working in Melbourne for 3 weeks. Maybe I should have kept those babysitters I had lined up and taken myself on a date ;)

So ...I highly doubt I'll get even four dates accomplished but its the thought that counts!

Christmas is so often about the kids that the adults get forgotten.

I think this would be a really nice way for adults to enjoy the Christmas season.

It would even make a great gift idea to yourself or to your other half!!

12 Dates!! I have a lot less than that per year! What a wonderful gift it would be.

Our first date of Christmas was dinner and a production of Handels Messiah

Some other ideas - both expensive and inexpensive, both out and at home (for those with little kids)

Going present shopping together
Seeing Christmas lights
Attending a Christmas Production {Nutcracker, Choirs, Carols by Candlelight}
Wrapping Presents together and sharing some treats and nice drink
Writing Cards
Dancing by Candlelight to Christmas music
Watching a Christmas movie
Doing Service together
Go Carolling
Preparing Christmas Dinner Menu {The Mr cooks ours so I love to talk menu with him}
Pixie Drops {leaving treats of friends or others doorsteps}
Evening Walk around the neighbourhood
Get a photo taken together with Santa
Attend a church service
Visit the City Tree and Decorations
Out for dessert and a hot chocolate

Have you got any other ideas that would make a perfect little date night at Christmas?

"oh the first date of christmas my true love gave to me..."

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