Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sunrise on Anzac Day 2013

oh how I love a sunrise.

I only witness it a handful of times a year and question WHY I don't do it more often?

I think that's when you realise you let life live you instead of the other way round.

Important as sleeping is, feeding breakfast to children, groaning with your eyes closed on the couch, checking facebook or the internets, packing bags, showering or getting ready for the day/work is

its funny how we let our circumstances dictate the way our life goes and not take the control for the life we want. We all have things we have to do... but maybe we need to sneak a little nature and meditation in there too.

But I digress.

We seem to have a little family tradition of watching the sunrise on the Queens Birthday when the sun rises later in the morning and you don't have to get up 4am to catch it like in summer. 
see here  here  here .

The past little while one of the girls has been asking regularly 'when will we go to the tallest hill and watch the sunrise? It must be soon?' I was hoping to do it during Easter and have a family testimony meeting but it never happened.

Anzac Day is such a special day in Australia with so many people honouring it and those who fought for the freedoms we enjoy. With a holiday to move a bit slower we decided we would do our annual sunrise viewing on Anzac Day.

It was crisp but nowhere near as cold as it is up there in June. Glad we moved it two months earlier :)

The girls were excited and set an alarm to get up and ready. They were ready to go in no time.

After some time watching the sunrise, drinking hot milo and Anzac biscuits they found their nature groove.

I find it really interesting when kids relax in nature. It took them a while to warm up and just as The Mr wanted to leave to go back home they were enthralled with sticks, rocks, jumping, walking, making up imaginative games and pretending to be wild animals and the list goes on.

I said to The Mr ... I think we are due for some nature time or camping.

Until then sunrise viewing will have to do.


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