Monday, May 13, 2013

FHE Lesson {Being like the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's}

Our family has done this lesson before, but as we are up to this exact story in our morning scripture reading I thought it would be great to revisit it. They really enjoyed this one previously and liked going out the back yard in the dark to dig a hole ;) Object lessons always seem to remembered.

Opening Song:   Kindness Begins With Me #145

Opening Prayer: Child


Talk about the story of the Anti Nephi Lehi's
Story and Picture found here

Give each child a piece of paper. On the small paper write down bad words that they know they should not use. {ours included things such as stupid, idiot, poop head, I hate..., etc} Talk about how these are not good words and we don't want them in our family anymore. We are going to get rid of them.

Roll up or scrunch the paper and head to the back yard and choose a spot to bury the bad words.

Dig down and have each child lay their words in the hole. Cover hole.

Now we have buried our bad words we are going to try very hard not to use them anymore.

Bad words are just like weapons as they can hurt people.

We want to make a promise like the Anti Nephi Lehi's to put down our weapons and never to hurt anyone.

Read out  Alma 24:17-18

**Alternatively use any behaviours or things you would like to change in your family as what you write down on the piece of paper. This lesson can be tailored however you wish.

 Closing Song: Jesus Said Love Everyone Jesus Said Love Everyone #61

Closing Prayer: Child


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