Friday, July 26, 2013

Christmas in July

Every Year around this time I wish I organised a Christmas in July party/dinner.

I swear Christmas ideas are trying very hard to take over my brain right now

It's only 150 days away people!!  {I do like to be organised! lol}

However with  birthdays in July and another a few weeks after I'm always stuck in Birthday Plans!

Yay! but Booooo! at the same time.

Doesn't mean I haven't been having Christmas thoughts, went to a Christmas in July craft day, been googling Christmas Family Traditions, ordering Christmas Books online, thinking what Christmas movies to add to our collection, looking for places to buy reasonably priced Christmas fabric for our Christmas pillowcases and the list goes on!

Last year I listed all our awesome  Our Family Christmas Traditions in one post.

However I'm always on the lookout for more!!!!

And now is the perfect time to work out what traditions you want incorporated into your family life in the coming months.

As kids start getting older its time to think up some traditions that will assist them in that transition time when Christmas starts to lose it sparkle and magic.

Here are some I've found on my searches in the last few weeks:

I've been reading about staying up late on Christmas Eve {we are strict go to bed as soon as our family party is over} : Christmas movie marathons, playing games, doing random drop offs, midnight candle services at churches, a late Christmas Eve walk and leave a gift at a strangers house.

Sleepovers in the same room, {my girls all share so not needed really but this one was so sweet.} It was two sisters and a brother where there was a big age gap. So even though the girls are grown and one married they still sleepover with little bro so he doesn't miss out on the wonderful tradition the girls had. Nawwwww.

Celebrate St Nicholas Day on Friday 6 December

Gift ideas for older girls {what do you get them?!}
letting them choose a fancy china brand and buying them a piece for their set each year

Giving everyone charms that match things you did that year {holiday, graduating, instruments played etc} and keeping them in a box to be opened each Christmas. The person who posted it says she has 20 years of charms and the family love to look back on them each year. So adorable!

Taping coins to those mechanical ride things or lolly vending machine with a note that says 'we did this for you - Merry Christmas' and sit around the stores waiting for children/families to find it

Choosing one big Christmas event to attend each year {eg nutcracker ballet, concert} I really like the idea of not being tied to 'one tradition' but each year try something new, but Christmassy.

Start a gag gift tradition. Purposely buy a silly gift, regift a crazy gift each year, get the girls to think up some daggy but secretly funny to our family tradition.

I've been thinking about getting Elf on a Shelf and getting the older girls involved in the nightly placement of sneaky elves.

Service ideas. It can be hard to find places that allow children/young teens to volunteer. I'm always looking for ideas for kids to do service. Do you have any??

At a recent funeral I attended the family had a folder with all their family Christmas photo cards/letters in one spot. I just loved it. Made me want to get organised to do it every year so I too can have a 'snapshot of our life' over many years. I will organised what we have already this year!

I found a list of Christmas Tree Farms !! in Australia. Sadly no Queensland ones listed. How fun would it be to go collect a real tree, have an adventure and made a tradition out of it.

Create a nativity village. Using natural materials - twigs and rocks and moss - and craft items

Host an open house and share an easy meal with lots of people

So many ideas out there! Do you have an idea for a great family Christmas tradition?

Time for me to grab the calendar and pencil in

Christmas Photo Cards {end of Nov}
Nativity Day {1st Dec}
Putting up Tree Day {1st Monday night in Dec - 2nd of Dec this year}
Sleeping under the Christmas Tree {When School gets out}
Advent {Every Sunday till Christmas starting Sunday 1st Dec}
Grandparents Christmas Dinner {week before Christmas}
Christmas book reading {every night in Dec}

Also I think I'm going to start collecting paper advent calendars. I do love them so.
And as far as collections go {they can get out of hand easily} advent calendars pack flat and don't take up much room. Perfect really. I've never collected anything really {apart from teddy bears as a kid - so I think this will be fun!} and if you see a good one - please think about adding to my new collection ;)

Christmas is only 22 weeks away.
I'm sure I've got 22 things to accomplish and about that many presents to buy.
One a week. Better start now!!

Merry Christmas!

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