Monday, July 8, 2013

Winter Beach

The {warm} winter beach is my favourite.

I totally dislike the beach in peak summer. Blerg.

I must remember on warm sunny winter days to head there to get our fill.

After a lot of rain we've had unusual summer like weather in the middle of winter!

Kinda love where I live!

We've been a few times lately.

We can stay for hours and not burn
No searing sand on feet
Only the tiniest bit of suncream needed {I did get a little burnt this week! eek!}
Less crowds, easy parking
The kids don't fully swim so I can read a book or relax while they explore or dig in the sand.

If we get cold ~ end with a hot milo
If we get hot ~ have an icecream cone

Pretty perfect really. xx

The silhouette of my older girls makes my heart squeeze. But that's a whole other post!

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