Thursday, August 15, 2013

Clover Daisy Chains

It must be that time of year again. This year is going ever so fast!

But there is clover everywhere around.

Maybe I've spent enough years teaching the girls to make daisy chains or sit amongst the clover but this time they've done it all on their own.

At a party a few weeks ago apparently my daughter sat down and taught others how to do it.

Last week the eldest headed to the park and I joined them later with the youngers and while I was talking to another mum they headed to the far end of the park.

I came along later and found them like this.

Do you ever feel too busy, the kids watch too much tv, computer etc? Noone wants to leave the house or listen or its just all too much? {especially when you long for some other nostalgic life?}

Well I feel like that plenty and even though it was only 30 mins out in the clover patch it made me so happy. I want a simple, happy childhood for them.

It also makes me happy when they do things self guided.

Maybe one day when I'm gone {or they're grown}

they'll remember that we used to sit in the clover each spring and make daisy chains.


PS Reminds me of the wonderful lightbulb moment I had last year making these and 2011

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