Monday, September 23, 2013

FHE Lesson {Serving others with Heart, Might, Mind and Strength}

Opening Song : Called to Serve #172

Opening Prayer: Child

I love this idea from the September 2013 Friend Magazine page 42.

Bringing Primary Home

and thought I would try and expand it into a lesson.


Doctrine and Covenants 59:5
Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, saying thus: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind, and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him.

We are commanded to serve God (and others) with our Heart, might, mind and strength.

How do we do this?

Hold up a picture or drawing of heart: How do we serve with our heart?
{tell people we love them, say kind words, give a compliment, smile at people}

Hold up a picture of a lightbulb: How do we serve others with our mind?
{Help siblings with homework or learning something you know how to do, think up a project or idea that will help another family, share a talent of yours with others and teach them}

Hold up picture of a strong arm: How do we serve others with our might and strength?
{Doing chores, helping neighbours in their yard, service projects, weeding/gardening, helping grandparents reach things}

As a family decide on some things you could do to serve others with your WHOLE SELF.



Each year I try to find a service or kindness for the children to do at Christmas. It is hard to find charities that allow children to serve, so you are usually stuck making up your own idea. We have donated money, donated gifts to Christmas Shoebox appeal, bought items for hygiene kits for a homeless shelter and a womens shelter, made cookies for elderly neighbours amongst other things.

Considering Christmas is just under 13 weeks away I want to use this lesson to get the children to think about and plan what we could do as service.

Last year we placed a big laundry basket in our loungeroom (and eventually under our tree) and each week placed a grocery item or nice treat in it. The children knew we were going to anonymously try to deliver it to someone we knew when it was full. They were sooo excited about it.

This year a friend reminded me about the book The Christmas Jars . I had read this book years ago and thought yes! what a great idea. Basically a couple put all their change all year into a jar. At Christmas time they deliver the jar to an anonymous doorstep and of course amazing things happen.

We've been working on our jar for a little while now. With this lesson I will remind them to put extra effort in to do chores to earn some money to put into the jar. Perhaps we could even fill a few more jars before Christmas! It needs more GOLD in it!

If you would like to follow along all you need is a jar and start by putting some coins in it.

Closing Song: Where Love Is #138

Closing Prayer:


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