Sunday, October 6, 2013

FHE Lesson {General Conference Preparation 2}

Since General Conference is usually shown a week later in Australia we still have a bit more time for Conference Prep. Alternatively if Conference is done for you, use this weeks lesson to share what you learnt, play a favourite talk again, gather your notes and drawings and ask children what they learnt.

Opening Song:  Stand for the Right #159

Opening Prayer: Child


Since some of conference is available pre choose one talk that interests you (or you think will be interesting to children). Alternatively you can play snippets from talks or the Tabernacle Choir.
Find talks here

Tell children that General Conference is currently happening in Utah and next Saturday and Sunday we will be watching the conference in Australia. We are getting prepared for watching conference and will start with this talk/snippet/choir.

If you wish share the story of King Benjamin and the families listening to him on the tower. See Mosiah 2:1-9. All the families in their tents faced their tent door to the temple so they could hear the Prophets words. If you have a play tent set it up or have children construct a makeshift tent out of sheets.

Get everyone comfortable to watch the segment of your choice.

We are just like the people of Nephi and look forward to hearing the Prophets and Apostles. We choose to face their direction and listen to them. There are too many of us now to watch a tower but due to technology we can watch, listen and read the messages from the Prophets and Apostles.


Watch lds Cartoon series: King Benjamin Address (3 mins)

King Benjamin Printable/ Colouring In

Closing Song: Reverently Quietly #26

Closing Prayer:

Treat:  Make a Marshmallow Tower

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