Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Operation Christmas Child


October marks the beginning of Operation Christmas Child again.
The most easiest community work/volunteering you can do.

Last year I was able to volunteer at Samaritans Purse packing Christmas Boxes for children overseas.

I had grand visions of volunteering weekly and going there for date night in the evenings.

Alas it didn’t happen :(
However it's a new year and I can try again. This time I had extra people to motivate me and tell me which day we were going. Because of them we attended in the first week of opening!
I hope this bodes well  and I get to go a few more times in the next 6 weeks.

Though the work is easy – I felt bad when it seemed all the elderly ladies around us were working longer and harder and without complaint. {to be fair I'd had no sleep the night before}


Would you like help? I promise its easy and fun (if you bring some friends to chat with)

Apart from 15 mins of training and watching a video on what to – they get you to work straight away.

Wear closed in shoes. Bring a water bottle and snacks.

see website here : http://operationchristmaschild.org.au/
Details below:
Warehouse Address  (enter by Gate 2)
Unit 5, 167 Hyde Road
QLD 4104  
Phone: 07 3848 6316 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE  end_of_the_sky or 1800 684 300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

DATES :   Monday 7th October to Friday 6th December 

SESSIONS:   Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30am – 3:00 pm

ADDITIONAL SESSIONS:  Monday 21st October to Friday 22nd November 

  Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 8:30am– 10:00 pm

WHAT TO BRING:  Morning Tea, a Packed Lunch and a water bottle. Tea & Coffee facilities are available at the warehouse.

PLEASE NOTE: you will be working in a warehouse setting; the temperature could be hot. Please wear appropriate footwear ; sandals or open toed shoes are not allowed

PARKING: As there is limited parking in the warehouse grounds, parking on the street would be appreciated.

On your first day of attendance you will be required to attend a training session.
It is not necessary to stay for the full day - any time you can give will be appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you plan to attend processing sessions in the last two weeks please phone ahead in case processing has been completed.

If you can't make it to pack boxes you can always fill a box with presents and donate that way.
Last year I was processing teenage girl gifts. This year I was processing 5-9 year old boys. It's always fun to see what people donate. Lots of good ideas found when sorting the boxes.  Books, Pencils, clothes, marbles, wind up torches, string, finger puppets, toothbrushes, small plastic cups, tennis balls, stickers,  folded reusable bags, small cars and trucks.The list is endless.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to serve and get into the spirit of giving!


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