Sunday, November 10, 2013

FHE Lesson {Wise Men}

With 7 Mondays till Christmas I'll be sharing  Christmas based FHE's till then!

Opening Song: The Nativity Song #52

Opening Prayer: Child


Scripture: Matthew 2:1-2
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem.
Saying where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him.

The wise men spent a long time finding Jesus. They were on a long trip after seeing the star.
Just like the wise men we also wait with excitement and count down the days until Christmas.
 It is more important to count down the days until the birth of Jesus, than to think about what presents we are waiting for. Jesus's Birth is the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

The wise men arrived with special gifts for baby Jesus. What gift will we give him?
Have a special present box or stocking in which you will put 'a present to give Jesus'. Draw or write down something you are going to do or be better at as your present for Jesus. Leaving the present box or stocking out in a special place leading up to Christmas will remind us of our gift and to try hard.

These 'gifts' could be the first you open Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning.


Watch the LDS Bible Video - Wise Men Seek Jesus (5 Mins)

Give everyone a plastic glow in the dark star to keep in their room, or stick to the ceiling above their bed leading up to Christmas  (idea from 12 Gifts for Christ by Merrilee Boyack ). This reminds us of the wise men that followed the sign of the star that led them to baby Jesus. We too must be like the wise men and remember to follow Christ.

Closing Song: Stars were Gleaming #33

Closing Prayer:

Treat: Use cookie cutter to cut bread or brownies into star shape. Sprinkle with coloured sugar.

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