Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

 Miss G awaking after sleeping under the tree on the first night of school holidays.
Her favourite tradition.
Oh Christmas Eve how we love you.
December has gone so quick yet it seems a long time for little ones.
Since The Mr doesn't often have many holidays the last few years we've started a tradition of doing an activity on Christmas Eve Day - visits to art galleries, rock climbing, something to keep their minds occupied and for us to give ourselves the gift of family time together.
Today we are hoping for the planetarium.
A funny side note - the Mr and I have been trying to get to the planetarium for a date for about 10 years. A few times cancelled, then we forget that its a place we want to go for a date, then he took the older girls there for daddy daughter date, so we waited so its not overkill for him, then we forget again. Then we remember again and say 'we should go to the planetarium for a date...' lol.
May everyone have visions of sugarplums dance in their heads tonight.

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