Sunday, February 9, 2014

FHE Lesson {What do you love}

Opening Song: Love One Another

Opening Prayer:


 If you chose to celebrate Valentines you could firstly have a short discussion {or introduction} to expectations, what individuals would like to have happen on the day this week.  It could be a nice family dinner and dessert, a special heart shaped pancake breakfast or chocolates.
Or set a plan in motion for what the kids could do FOR YOU on Valentines ;)

Set and discuss goals to do a secret kindness for someone else this week
{help siblings, bake something for a neighbour/friend, do something special for mum and dad}

Discuss how and why we should love others {John 13:34}


Make Heart Maps {idea found here at Chocolate on my Cranium }

Basically draw a heart with several small compartments.
Inside each space draw a thing YOU LOVE.

Ideas to prompt young children:


Leave Heart Maps up for the week to remind us of the real things we LOVE.

We are thankful for all the wonderful blessings and things to love in our lives.

 By focusing on real love we can avoid commercialization of Valentines Day.

 Have a LOVE-Y week!

 Closing Song: Jesus Said Love Everyone

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