Monday, March 31, 2014

FHE Lesson {Easter Tree}

 Opening Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again #64

Opening Prayer:

It's a few weeks till Easter so I will be posting lessons to do with Easter until then.

We like to start the season off with an Easter Tree

Go here and here to see how we make ours

Discuss that Easter is coming up. Ask questions like:

 What is Easter? What do you know about Easter? What is your favourite part of Easter?
What things should we do this Easter {plan your calendar!}
{eg visit family, hold a sunrise family testimony meeting, make hot cross buns, egg hunt etc}

 Together create an Easter Tree.
{honestly it can be as simple as a few sticks to hang things off}

We use several decorations to put on ours. Each year our tree is a little different.

 You can google and print and colour small pictures of easter scenes
{both religious and non religious} -
Easter Eggs

 Cut out pictures of Christ from the Ensign or print pictures and laminate them and add a string and you've got a homemade religious decoration to hang {instruction here}

 Buy/Make decorations such as Eggs, bunnies etc.

 If you have time watch an Easter Movie

LDS Bible Videos - He is Risen

We own and kids enjoy Veggietales 'An Easter Carol'

Closing Song: Easter Hosanna # 68

Closing Prayer: Child

Tiny Easter Eggs, Hot Cross Buns,

To start getting prepared here is a timeline overview of  the things we try to do in the Easter Season
Easter Preparations {one month of Easter}

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