Monday, March 10, 2014

FHE Lesson {Sacrament, Remembering Jesus}

Opening Song: "I feel my Saviours Love Children's Songbook #74

Opening Prayer: Child


Show a picture of Jesus. Ask how we remember him.
Read or have an older child read the Sacrament Prayers from the scriptures (D&C 20:77, 79)
Ask the children to guess what it is you are reading.
(some knew straight away, some knew it was familiar, but not sure)
You could also have some bread and water out for visual clues.

In the March Friend is a lovely Acrostic poem and pictures about The Sacrament.
Find it here - As I take the Sacrament - March 2014 Friend Magazine
Print each letter to spell sacrament (or use a whiteboard). Have children hold up each letter one at a time as you read out the poem. If you have the gospel art picture kit, also have various pictures of the life of Christ to have out at the same time.

Bear Testimony about why you like going to sacrament each week. What it means to you. Talk about the symbolic nature of what the Sacrament represents.


Now say you are going to play a memory game. Children have one minute to look at 10 items on a tray. Cover it up and have children write or draw or dictate to you what they remember on the tray. We made sure one of the items was a small picture of Jesus.

Our older girls wanted a go at being the person in charge of the tray, so we played 3 different versions of the game (allowing them to choose the items, but the ONLY Item that had to stay the same each time was the picture of Jesus)

We said that it is important to remember Jesus in our lives, even when it can be difficult.
We must make room for and love Jesus.

Closing Song: "Tell me the Stories of Jesus" Children's Songbook #57

Closing Prayer: Child


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