Thursday, July 31, 2014


I try to be organised. I do try.

We had the missionaries teach her the discussions.
To make sure she knew what she was committing to.

We organised Grandma to sew a gorgeous dress.
With BIG BOW per request.

Pre Baptism Photo Shoot  (probably not entirely necessary as I had the amazing Elizabeth from White Acre Photography photography take some photos on the day)

Big Sisters assigned to do the talks.

Primary friends assigned to sing.

Awesome friends in charge of kitchen and food.

Invites to the ward and school friends.

But whoops I forgot to invite anyone else who may have wanted to come along.
I also forgot to organise a chorister. Lucky for friends who just jump up and do it unasked!

Preparing for big life events like these can be hard. And Busy.

But I'm so glad most of it went pretty perfectly and she had a happy day.




Gorgeous photos above courtesy of White Acre Photography

Sunday, July 27, 2014

FHE Lesson {Old Testament Scripture Reading}

Our family recently finished reading the Book of Mormon and I was looking for another thing for our family scripture study and came across this Old Testament Scripture Challenge from the January 2014 Friend Magazine pg 26 which inspired this lesson.

Opening Song: Search Ponder and Pray #109

Opening Prayer: Child


I've often found my children are not as familiar with the scriptures as I believed they should be.
We've held a few FHE about getting to know the scriptures ( see here ) and I thought this scripture challenge would be another good time for a refresher.

Ask children to name the Main books of Scripture:
 (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price)

Tell them today we are talking about the Old Testament.

Do they know any books from the Old Testament?

Using the Index if they need, ask them to find the books you call out
eg Joshua, Psalms, Genesis, Malachi etc. Make a bit of a game out of it.

Display some pictures from the Gospel Art Picture kit of various Old Testament Stories.

Do they know any scripture stories, prophets or people from the Old Testament?

{Maybe point out/ talk about a story they didn't know about}


Watch some favourite stories from lds Old Testament Videos

Act out a favourite Old Testament story {eg Jonah , Noah , Joseph, Daniel, Moses etc}

Print this Old Testament Scripture Reading Challenge and decide how/when your family will do it.

Books of the Old Testament song #114

Closing Song: Follow the Prophet #110

Closing Prayer: Child


Sunday, July 20, 2014

FHE Lesson {Gratitude}

Opening Song: I am glad for many things #151

Opening Prayer: Child

This lesson inspired from November 2013 Friend Magazine pg 40

Heavenly Father wants us to notice the many blessings He give us.
He wants us to say thank you for all these blessings too.

When we are thankful we feel more happy and grateful and blessed.

Sometimes it can be hard to be thankful because we might take things for granted.

Activity: {choose from below}

List a blessing for every letter of the alphabet
Print this alphabet to write your list on or make your own, write up on a whiteboard/chalkboard

Use an example of something that was a challenge but ended up being something you were grateful for. Even in hard times blessings can help us learn and grow.

Using notes and a jar or similar spend a week writing down daily things that you are grateful for.

Start a gratitude journal/notebook. Write or fill with drawings from younger children.

Think of particular person or time someone helped you and write them a thank you note.

Play Pictionary drawing pictures of things you are grateful for and have everyone guess

Some other Gratitude songs from Childrens Hymnbook:

Thank Thee for Everything #10

I'm thankful to be me #11

A song of Thanks #20 

Thanks to our Father #20

Closing Song: Can a little child like me #9

Closing Prayer:


Another Gratitude FHE Lesson Here

Saturday, July 19, 2014

8 is GREAT!

Eight is such an awesome age.

This girl is funny, cheeky, full of energy, loves everyone.

Starts each day off at school giving crazy tight hugs to half her class and lifting them ground.
I usually have to tell her to retreat 'cause her friends might not be able to breathe.
We once had a family discussion about people's personal space and said that everyone has a bubble around them and you have to respect that distance. She looked at us like 'what chu talkin' bout'
~ personal space was an unheard of phenomena to her.

Class clown, entertainer, often has a twinkle in her eye.

Since she had her birthday party {Part 1} before the school holidays her birthday was super low key.

Playing with friends in the park for the day and a trip to grandma's to pick up her baptism dress.

But that's ok because most of our traditions start early in the morning.


She got to try her finished Baptism dress on for the first time on her birthday.
She got to design her dress.
My kids are so lucky to have such a talented Grandma.
Miss G's requirements were a long A line with a massive bow at the back.
It was all about the bow.
Grandma delivered!

And that was part 2 of the longest birthday ever.
Part 3 ~ Baptism coming soon!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

FHE Lesson {Compass for life}

This lesson based on:  Guided by love June 2014 Friend Magazine

Opening Song: Jesus said Love Everyone #61

Opening Prayer: Child

Show a compass
If you don't have a physical compass use the default one on your iphone or show a picture of one

What does a compass do?
{Can tell you where North is, then an individual can work out other directions, can use it to find your way without a map}

When asked to name the greatest commandment, the Saviour said “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” “This is the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:37, 38). Along with the second great commandment—to love our neighbour as ourselves—we have a spiritual compass that provides direction for our lives.
Because love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of everything we do. Love unites families. Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, and respect. It overcomes hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with joy. Love should be our walk and our talk.
Love God and our Neighbour should be our compass. They will lead us in the right direction.
Show this compass / or draw it, from the June 2014 Friend Magazine
Guided by Love
Long ago, explorers used compasses to find their way to faraway places. President Uchtdorf said that the two great commandments can be like a compass that guides us back to Heavenly Father.
If you’re not sure about a choice, ask yourself two questions:
Does it show love for Heavenly Father?
Does it show love for others?
If the answers are yes, then you’re choosing the right!
Play with the compass. practice finding north.
Find other directions.
Closing Song: Where Love Is #138
Closing Prayer: Prayer

Sunday, July 6, 2014

FHE Lesson {3 Bears of Church Membership}

Opening Song: The Church of Jesus Christ #77

Opening Prayer: Child


Show a teddy bear. { Or use 3 bears, each with label}

This bear will help us remember the 3 bears of being a church member:

Bear his name - When we join the church we promise to stand as a witness of God at all times. We become Christians. We bear Jesus name. We are part of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints. In Mosiah 26:18, it reads:
“Yea, blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name; for in my name shall they be called; and they are mine.“

Bear one another burdens
 We must help other people. We must offer service. We must help others that their burdens may be light. Problems are always easier when shared with others. Jesus said love thy neighbour as thy self {Matthew 22:29} Love one another {John 13:34}

Bear Testimony
We are lucky to know many truths that provide happiness in our lives.
We can bear testimony to our families and friends and others about how the gospel help us.
Bearing testimony also helps our own testimony to grow bigger.

Discuss ways as a family or individually that we could do the above.
How can we bear his name better?
How can we bear another's burdens?
How can we bear testimony more?

Make some goals to achieve the above.
Eg bear testimonies in FHE, make it a goal to bear testimony in Sacrament meeting, tell another person what church you attend, think about someone you know that needs some help, make a list of service you could provide to neighbours, grandparents, teachers.

Make a sign that says Bear his name, Bear another's burdens, bear testimony.
Leave near your teddy bear/attach to bear and leave bear somewhere you can see it all week.

Draw/print/colour a bear.

Closing Song: Give Said the Little Stream #236

Closing Prayer: Child

This lesson inspired by these sources

Bearing Another's Cares - August 2010 Friend Magazine pg 44
The 3 bears of Baptism

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Clock Tower Tour

Have been wanting to go up the City Hall clock tower for some time.

Tickets are free but can book out quickly each day {no prebooking}
{The Mr and I missed out on tickets on my Birthday city tourist day out }

This time we got there as doors opened {10am} and got a tour for one hour later!

I have been up the clock tower a  few times in the past.
Back in my teens with friends and past boyfriends!
The tower was closed for couple years due to renovation and other times I always had a baby.
It's been about 16 years since I've been up there! Boy does time fly!

The girls really enjoyed the tour. The other people on our tour didn't turn up so we got a private tour of just our family! The elevator operator let the younger girls control the lift with the original lever {while secretly really controlling it electronically these days ;} Whist no longer the tallest building in the city there was still lovely view. We spied some secret gardens and interesting to look down around. It was fun to ride in an old style cage elevator through the brick tower ~ Apparently the tower used to be lined with books and records. The girls commented that they could see names/graffiti scratched into the bells! There is an actual regular sized grandfather clock inside the tower regulating/keeping time for the four faces of the clock tower that each have their own machine to move the hands.

Find Details Here : City Hall Clock Tower Tour

When the clock was built, it was the largest public clock and most modern in Australia
The clock face is almost five metres in diameter
The minute hands of the clock are three metres long
Over 1,000 screws hold the white opal clock face in place
The clock chimes are known as Westminster or Cambridge and consist of four bells weighing over three tonnes that chime every 15 minutes and a 4.3 tonne striking bell that marks the hour
The clock tower is 92 metres high, with an observation platfrom at 76 metres