Sunday, July 27, 2014

FHE Lesson {Old Testament Scripture Reading}

Our family recently finished reading the Book of Mormon and I was looking for another thing for our family scripture study and came across this Old Testament Scripture Challenge from the January 2014 Friend Magazine pg 26 which inspired this lesson.

Opening Song: Search Ponder and Pray #109

Opening Prayer: Child


I've often found my children are not as familiar with the scriptures as I believed they should be.
We've held a few FHE about getting to know the scriptures ( see here ) and I thought this scripture challenge would be another good time for a refresher.

Ask children to name the Main books of Scripture:
 (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price)

Tell them today we are talking about the Old Testament.

Do they know any books from the Old Testament?

Using the Index if they need, ask them to find the books you call out
eg Joshua, Psalms, Genesis, Malachi etc. Make a bit of a game out of it.

Display some pictures from the Gospel Art Picture kit of various Old Testament Stories.

Do they know any scripture stories, prophets or people from the Old Testament?

{Maybe point out/ talk about a story they didn't know about}


Watch some favourite stories from lds Old Testament Videos

Act out a favourite Old Testament story {eg Jonah , Noah , Joseph, Daniel, Moses etc}

Print this Old Testament Scripture Reading Challenge and decide how/when your family will do it.

Books of the Old Testament song #114

Closing Song: Follow the Prophet #110

Closing Prayer: Child


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