Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jacaranda Season

Sometimes it feels we miss out on seasons in the ever green wonderfulness of Queensland.

A year or so ago I was talking with an American friend about it and she was all like no - its wonderful. Where I'm from everything is dead in winter.. EVERYTHING. Here there is a beautiful vine all over our building that blooms in winter! Blooms in Winter! There is beauty in every season if you look for it. You just gotta look harder here.

That is one thing I feel I do try to do. There is a little season here and there. We might not have 4 distinct seasons but if we dig deep enough seasonal appreciation can be found.

I suppose that's what we try to do with good old jacaranda season.

Every year I declare we are going to have a family portrait done under one.

But the seasons almost gone before I can be bothered to find cute clothes and shoes for everyone.
Not to mention a photographer.

If Japanese can go crazy for Cherry Blossom Season {ummm gorgeous! jealous!}

We might as well do the same for Jacaranda.

No family portraits but here are some blooms in my neighbourhood I just had to snap.

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