Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Is.. {or was..}

While the kids eagerly await the big day, I tell them my favourite parts of Christmas are before the 25th. The whole month is my favourite really.

Christmas Is.....

^^ Putting up our tree and a yearly photo
 ^^ Advent Calendars from Germany! My gift to me this year! Loved them.

 ^^Names of Christ Tree

^^Nightly reading of Christmas Books - see our beloved stacks!

^^ Advent Calendars. LaLa Loopsy Mini's were a hit!
 ^^Early Morning and Nightly playing under the tree.
I Loved how the tree became a magnet, a new place to play
 ^^Sunday Night Christmas Devotionals

^^Grandparents Christmas Dinner

 ^^ Gingerbread houses to take to school

 ^^ Beautiful LollyLand
 ^^Aussie Snowman and beach holiday
^^Carols night and Facepainting. She sung in the choir

^^ Creative play and photo by Miss G with Felt decorations she sewed
(she aimed to make for her whole class but only got to about 8, so we kept them!)
^^Live Nativity and Carols night at my church
^^City Tree

 ^^ Christmas Parade. I go for the Camels (and this year there were REAL reindeer!)
^^Myer Windows

^^City Hall Lights

^^Sleeping Under the Tree

^^Presents out and Waiting for Christmas Morning.
Merry Christmas and Goodnight all!

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