Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Grandparents Christmas Dinner

This is one of our most beloved Christmas Traditions.

Every time we have it I almost wish I could share it with all my other family members and friends.

It's just sooo GOOD!

However its stressful enough organising a dinner party for 11. Sorry Everyone!

This year The Mr and the kids prepared some questions to ask the Grandparents.

I loved the conversation that flowed between them about their childhoods, dreams, things they would change, funny stories etc. It really was lovely and I would recommend it for any family party!
They also bought photo albums along to look at photos of them as kids. Too fun.



Slow cooked Maple Ribs on a bed of mashed potato and peas
Roast Chicken with Mango Salsa and Asparagus
Mini Cheesecake, Layered Jelly Cups and Pistachio Icecream and Biscotti
Lemon Lime and Bitters

A huge shout out to The Mr who took a day off work and spent the entire sweltering hot day cooking! He's the Man! And the food each year is delicious. Grandparents Christmas Dinner is all his!

My dream is to have the perfect curated Christmas Dinner. Cheers to all the party planners out there - its hard work to get a perfect look and probably never going to happen for me. But hey we try :)

Previous Grandparents Christmas Dinner Menu's Here







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