Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holiday - Redcliffe

When you tell people you're off for a holiday at Redcliffe {when you grew up 15 minutes away} everyone laughs and asks why?

Why not?

It was for a small family reunion, it was a beautiful beach front apartment and my girls were out in the ocean every day before 8am. There were views, cool breezes and 3 days of relaxing. Got up close with four sets of skydiving groups, collected 100 jelly blubbers and watched a storm.

I would probably do it again.

Even if it feels funny to holiday somewhere in your city limits that is usually just a half day activity.

We stayed  HERE  at Waves in a beautiful 3 bedroom ocean views from all rooms apartment.


Favourite things :
Waking up to sunrise, waking up sharing my bed with Miss 5 and her wolfie, the girls doing Grandma's long long hair, warm sea water, being the only ones on the beach nearly every day, time with family, gorgeous views, cool winds no need for aircon, finding some green sea glass, grandpa who entertains the girls for hours with long walks and exploring, winds that whip up froth aka snow!

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