Sunday, January 18, 2015

FHE Lesson {Back to School}

It's one week till the kiddies are back at school. We've held back to school dinners for a few years now (2016 2015 2013 2012  2011 2010 ) and I thought this tradition might make a good activity for FHE.

Opening Song:

Opening Prayer:


We usually start with a special dinner. Feel free to include this or not :)

Choose a theme for your Back to School Dinner.
We usually print out the theme and place on the table.
Here are some of our past ideas:

I will go and do....
I thought this a lovely theme for our schooling year. Go and Do! Go and Do!
scripture: 1 Nephi 3:7
Choose the Right
We spoke about how this could be applied at school. We talked of many situations. 

Love One Another
Showing love to siblings, teachers, students at school.
John 13:34  Mosiah 4:15

Seek Learning
Even by Study also by faith
D&C 88:118

This year I have bookmarked scriptures to do with education. See a list HERE
Here are some I'm leaning to for our Theme for 2015

He that seeketh findeth: Matt. 7:8 .
Learn wisdom in thy youth: Alma 37:35 .
Seek learning, even by study and also by faith: D&C 88:118 .
Wise man will hear, and will increase learning: Prov. 1:5
Take fast hold of instruction: Prov. 4:13 .

Whatever your theme of choice discuss how this has to do with education.
Share how proud you are of the children's desire for learning.
State even though it can be hard it is worth it.

We have each child receive a Fathers Blessing.
Discuss what a Fathers Blessing is (SEE HERE )
why you want to help them in this new year, and in this new schooling year.
That you desire the best for them and you want to spirit of the Lord behind them too.

We spoke of education and its importance and that we are blessed to have access to it
We spoke of their favourite moments from the last school year.
We spoke of goals for the coming year.
Each Child received a Fathers Blessing for the coming year.
Then we sent them to bed early. Getting prepared for the new routine ;)

Closing Song:

Closing Prayer:

Treat: Maybe a special back to school gift {new pencils, erasers, pencil case.. anything}

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