Sunday, August 30, 2015

FHE Lesson {Aim for the Best}

I love making lessons from The Friend magazine.  
This lesson inspired from  Aim for The Best Aug 2015 Friend Magazine

Opening Song: Choose the Right Way #160

Opening Prayer : Child

Other Song Suggestions:
Dare to do Right #158
Stand for the Right #159
Kindness begins with Me #145
I'm Trying to be like Jesus #78


Every Day we have decisions to make.

what media we consume,
how we talk to others,
what we do with our time,
how we act,
how we dress.

Some things are good, some things are better and some things are BEST.
Even if something isn't bad for us, it can still be a distraction or not the best choice we could make.

What are some examples of Good Choices and some even BETTER choices?

playing computer games, watching tv when we should be doing our homework
Smiling and saying hi to someone when perhaps you should stop and help them
Loving our brothers and sisters vs loving them and being kind and serving them
Read a book each night or read a book AND your scriptures

We can ask ourselves:
Will this decision bring me closer to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father?

Use the bullseye in the Friend Magazine:
Aim for the Best!

Make your own larger one out of cardboard and paper.
Use mini rice bags (or other soft objects) to throw at a bullseye (laying flat on the ground)
See how close you can get to the target.

Reiterate the point that landing anywhere on the bullseye is GOOD, but the best (highest points) is when you get the middle. We want to make the BEST decisions in life that will lead to our happiness.

What are the BEST decisions you have made in your life?
{I'm sure you will get lots of funny answers}

Getting baptised
Being kind and helpful
Listening well in school and being obedient
A time you shared well
A time you were part of a service project
Making home a harmonious place
Scripture reading
Keeping a journal
Choosing good media
Helping grandparents or other elderly people

Parents can say:
Going to university/other educational courses
Getting married
Going to the temple
Going on a mission
Times of Service
Keeping the Sabbath day holy

I like this idea via pinterest  about making a bullseye and cardboard arrows that have goals on them. Move the arrows closer to the centre as children reach their goal. Could use this for daily prayers, scripture, behaviour etc.

Closing Song: I will be Valiant #162

Closing Prayer: Child

Circles? Lollies, Candy, Cookies, Biscuits. Add a ring of icing/food colouring.

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