Sunday, November 1, 2015

FHE Lesson {Gratitude}

With thanksgiving in USA in November, gratitude is on many minds. Others may also like to spend November cultivating gratitude and thankfulness, also to prepare for the real meaning of Christmas. 
This lesson inspired by Seeing our Blessings October 2014 Friend pg 3

Opening Song: A song of Thanks #20

Opening Prayer: Child


We are so blessed in our lives. All around us are so many things we should be thankful for.

What are some of the things around us that we are thankful to have?

List some things - family members, house, books, refrigerator, the sun etc.

Using a camera/s go on a blessings hunt of your house/yard and/or neighbourhood and have children take photos of things they are thankful for.

eg trees, flowers, local playground, neighbours, birds, toys, bathroom, food
you can even point out things such as garbage bins (trash cans and trash removal services :) electricity, water pipes, a house with a roof, airconditioning! etc.

Play a slideshow/look at/talk about of all your blessings when you return home.

It is good to remember to be grateful for the many blessings we have in our lives.
Cultivating gratitude helps us look after our things better, helps overcome sadness, gives us hope, makes us say thankyou- to our parents for all they give us, our country for all it provides and to our Heavenly Father for all the wonderful bounty he gives his children.

Closing Song: Count your Blessings #241

Closing Prayer:

Treat: Something yummy you are grateful for!

Some Previous Gratitude Lessons:

Gratitude Lesson

Gratitude 2 Lesson

Journals Lesson

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