Monday, November 16, 2015

FHE Lesson {Olive Oil Clay Lamps}

The actual reason we were making the lamps is because I had seen an idea about having a Bethlehem dinner at Christmas and eating by clay lamp light to be like it was at Jesus time. I wanted to prepare some lamps for that, so we had this lesson first :)

Opening Song: Seek the Lord Early #108

Opening Prayer: Child


Who remembers a bible story about oil and lamps?
Today we are making our very own olive oil lamps.

We used oven bake clay - Fimo.  2 squares made 4 small lamps.

We followed this tutorial at  Cranial Hiccups

Basically make your clay into a circle and fold it up in the middle.
Make a spout and a circle at the back to fill with oil.
Make sure spout is facing upwards a little.

While our lamps were baking in the oven {about 20 mins} we watched
this: 10 virgins video LDS

This is a parable. A story with other meanings.
What is the oil?
Why can you not share it?
How can we fill our own oil reserves?
These lamps enabled people to carry light wherever they went.
In the same way we are to carry the light of the gospel with us.

Ten virgins = Church members

Oil = Spiritual preparation

Bridegroom = Jesus Christ

Marriage = Second coming of Jesus

extra reading:  Parable of 10 virgins March 2009 Ensign

 Some neat facts about olive oil lamps:
Olive oil burns cleanly, without smoking and is odorless. 
 It doesn’t spread toxic hydro-carbons into the air. 
olive oil won’t ignite if the flame drops down into the oil — in fact it will smother the flame.  
Making it a safe light source. It’s quite amazing that olive oil will burn at all. 
Even old rancid oil burns well. A little oil can burn for quite a long time.

Alternative : glass olive oil lamps

** Take care around fire at all times. 

NEVER leave a burning lamp unattended. 
Teach children careful Fire safety and rules.

Our lamps were in no way perfect. We didn't tilt our spouts up enough before hardening. We used unravelled cotton balls and twill for a wick. The tip of our clay lamp did burn due to proximity of our wicks. The oil must be very close to the edge of the wick or it wont light. We didn't burn them for over 10 mins because of these factors but the lamps do indeed work and we have lit them several times. Keep on a tray incase the olive olive spills out.

Closing Song: When he comes again #82
Closing Prayer:

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