Monday, January 25, 2016

Back To School Dinner

Pretty low key but we held our annual Back To School Dinner. 
Raided the house for decorations.
I chose these succulents the older girls bought home from high school.
Plants and growing and knowledge... you know...
We moved the ever changing chalkboard.
Add the crystal goblets
Add our theme
And done

We had White Chili Chicken and sparkling drink and Homemade Cheesecake.
We spoke of education and its importance and that we are blessed to have access to it  
We spoke of their favourite moments from the last school year.
We spoke of goals for the coming year.
Each Child received a Fathers Blessing for the coming year.
Then we sent them to bed early. Getting prepared for the new routine ;)

I find everyone so much more engaged when dinners are special and we have questions and discussion ideas. It certainly makes me think of the special time we are squandering on most days. 

Past Back to School Dinners.


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