Thursday, June 23, 2016

TEN {Sequin Birthday Shirt}

Each year we make a birthday shirt. Just to mix it up a bit I ocassionaly trial different types.

This year we tried sequins! I had sequin ribbon here and shirt was $3 from Target. Done!

Sequins were a bit more fiddly to work with than I thought - you have to do a stitch behind every sequin to 'capture' the thread holding them together. My writing turned out a bit wonkier than I wanted as they moved around a bit while sewing but Miss 10 was happy with the outcome.

^^ Heres an example that I was working on laying out the ribbon in running writing. Turned out this shirt was too tight. Lucky we checked before I spent all the time sewing the ribbon!

Previous Birthday Shirts:

Letters {ONE} Birthday Shirt

Felt and Fabric Birthday Shirt

Ribbon Birthday Shirt

Reverse Applique Birthday Shirt

Zig Zag Stitched Birthday Shirt 

Spotty Reverse Applique

2 Birthday Shirt

Recycled Corderoy Pants 5 Birthday Shirt

Felt and Fabric double layer 10 Birthday Shirt

Felt Cat and Reverse Applique 11 Birthday Shirt

Felt Snowflake and Stitched #6 Birthday Shirt

Bleached Out Number Shirt

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