Sunday, January 29, 2017

FHE Lesson {Pacific Area Goals 2017}

 Here is last years 2016 Pacific Area Goals FHE lesson.

Since the goals are similar, refer to both for ideas.

Watch the Pacific Area Presidency Message

While watching have family members write down any thoughts/goals that come to mind

As listed last year have small children draw or write ideas under four headings
Draw the following symbols
house/church - Honor Sabbath Day
praying arms - Increase spiritual self reliance
a picture of scriptures - share the gospel
Have children write or draw ideas in each column

Come up with individual or family goals that suit the pacific area plan that are individualised to your family.

Choose something that can make the sabbath a delight for your family
- visit relatives, cook something to give each week, do family history together, encourage quiet activities, prepare on saturday so you are more organised on sunday, help the missionaries

Increase spiritual and temporal self reliance
- set a budget, choose a course of scripture study, choose a skill you will develop or get better at (eg musical instruments, sport, a subject, cooking etc) help a child pay tithing.

Hasten the Work of Salvation
- Be a better neighbour/friend, smile at others, assist someone in their calling, reach out, make a goal to meet new people, assist in church in extra helpful ways.

-Set a goal to attend the temple, invite someone else to go to the temple with you, do family history work, teach an fhe to children about temples.

I really like this idea of drawing a child's hand (reaching for the stars) and on the hand or maybe on the stars write the goals you are aiming for

Make multiple copies of this printable - (I will do ONE thing ...... Today) and each week for FHE write down the one thing you will aim for

Try a goal setting printable for kids to keep track of their goals.

Choose a few manageable goals for your family or self individually.
Write them down and keep them in a place that can be seen. Review goals regularly.

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