Tuesday, April 29, 2008

100 POSTS!!

well actually 100 came and went.. and I missed it... this is actually 102 - but OH WELL close enough...

so are you sick of me yet? Or should I keep blogging?

Bring on the one year I say!

WOO HOOO......


  1. Wow - this girl does love to talk!!! You've beaten me - I am still a ways off 100 - good for you!! Love the blog, can't wait to read the next 100....!

  2. No we are not sick of you. Keep it coming. I love coming to your site and just partaking of your families life and what goes on over there. You inspire me. I can't believe Janelle hasn't hit the 100 yet. She has alot more than I have to say. Her mind is awesome. Way to go Bobbi.


talk talk talk... leave me some talk!