Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thoughtful Tuesday

Whoops... Monday flew by - must have been the hectic weekend. So instead of a memory Monday you get a thoughtful Tuesday.

How did you feel about school? Did you enjoy it more at some ages?

I liked school most of the time. Loved my grade 3 teachers Mr Drinkwater and Mrs Aide and my grade 6 teachers Mr Poole and Mrs (forgot the name). In grade 4 I had a mean teacher and I used to cry and tell my mum I didn't want to go to school. Now that I have kids who sometimes try to pull that one - it must have been hard for my mum to put up with that all year. I enjoyed highschool, though I probably could have finished it all up in two years if I had homeschooled, high school is a big time waster, but hey it's fun.

Did you go to college or have vocational training after high school?

I went to University and studied Public Health - Family and Consumer Studies. Pretty much I came out with no speciality - Whoops - Have found it hard to find a job ever since, and they have since ended the course - it doesn't even exist anymore - but I don't regret doing it. It set me up for my current job as Stay at home Mum and I am able to put a lot into practice here. In a few years when I need to look for a job - most places say that I need a nursing background or counselling background as well as the health degree if I want to work in community health which is my goal. I am sure something will pop up that will fit my 'credentials'! University was interesting but I am glad it is over and I hope to NEVER go back - I didn't enjoy it that much - plus I still owe the government for my current degree.


  1. I will have to think about this one. School and me didn't get along. I was teased to death and I still carry the pain around. I know. I wish I could just ramble on about how great it was, but I would be lying. I love when people have had good experiences with it. Like my daughter just adores school. What a blessing for sure.

  2. Bobbie,
    I studied Community Health also! I love reading your blog. I know we only knew each other for six months, but it was a great time for me. I'm still holding out hope that Rusty will want to move to Australia some day.


  3. oh kim!

    I didnt know you were reading here! yay! yeah we miss you guys... 6 months in australia is not enough!


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