Saturday, December 27, 2008

The favourite day of the year Rundown

5am Wake Up call to open stockings

Then mum and dad finally drag themselves out of bed to do the present opening thing

Most looked at present Christmas morning - Photo Albums
Bad parents we are, we havent printed a photo in 3 years!! So Miss G was very excited to see her photos for the first time!! I caught up with the other girls and they were happy to see some photos after they were 2 years old!! Thanks to the MR for waiting at the shops - printing 400 photos!!

8am Breakfast with Friends

12pm - At The MR's Parents
Playing with their cool fibre optic tree that changes colour

Favourite Homemade present - these gorgeous cupcake aprons with their names embroidered

2pm Swimming Time!!

We also had a piano recital of what the girls have learnt and grandma played Christmas music on her flute and the girls danced and danced... it was great!

5pm - My Brothers house
We had a relaxing walk along the creek before MORE FOOD!

Fed the already overfed ducks

9pm- Home again home again Jiggity jig

Snuggling with Miss K in bed "This was the BEST Christmas EVER!" makes it all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. How delightful. I love the aprons too. So cute. And that tree shot is so great. That is a neat water path. Love it all.


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