5am Wake Up call to open stockings
Then mum and dad finally drag themselves out of bed to do the present opening thing
Most looked at present Christmas morning - Photo Albums
Bad parents we are, we havent printed a photo in 3 years!! So Miss G was very excited to see her photos for the first time!! I caught up with the other girls and they were happy to see some photos after they were 2 years old!! Thanks to the MR for waiting at the shops - printing 400 photos!!
8am Breakfast with Friends
12pm - At The MR's Parents
Playing with their cool fibre optic tree that changes colour
Favourite Homemade present - these gorgeous cupcake aprons with their names embroidered
2pm Swimming Time!!
We also had a piano recital of what the girls have learnt and grandma played Christmas music on her flute and the girls danced and danced... it was great!
5pm - My Brothers house
We had a relaxing walk along the creek before MORE FOOD!
Fed the already overfed ducks
9pm- Home again home again Jiggity jig
Snuggling with Miss K in bed "This was the BEST Christmas EVER!" makes it all worth it.
How delightful. I love the aprons too. So cute. And that tree shot is so great. That is a neat water path. Love it all.