Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Stockings are hung

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care... In the hopes that St Nicolas (AKA MUM) would soon be there...

Our Christmas Eve tradition of receiving new Pyjama's is done!

And I have started on the VERY SPECIAL Christmas Breakfast we have each year - Toblerone Dip

My girls so look forward to this as I only make this dip once a year. They have Toblerone Dip and all the fruit they can eat to go with it.. Great when you have fruit loving kids who squeal in delight over a tray of mangoes, cherries, nectarines, pineapple, strawberries and the list goes on. We also have Turkey, Cream Cheese and Cranberry Croissants and this year as we have guests we are also having pancakes! I can't wait!! YUM...!!!

The girls are watching a Christmas movie in bed as I type and hopefully we will all be in bed early ready for Christmas to come.


  1. That is such a good idea! Can I get the dip recipe? My kids love fruit. Merry Christmas! M

  2. I'd love to know what's in the tolberone dip!

    Merry Christmas to you Bobbie!

  3. Okay, you've sold me on the toblerone dip. Could I please get the recipe from you.


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