Thursday, April 29, 2010

May Day

Our May Day Cone - We collected flowers from the neighbourhood

May Day. I keep missing this celebration. Each Year after the fact I see posts on other blogs. This year we will do it. Not that we need much of an excuse to party around here, but May Day  seems a fun thing to celebrate.  Since our heritage is English we can actually have a reason to do this one :

I remember doing May Pole dancing when I was a kid. (you know before the 'other type' of pole dancing became the 'in' thing.) but haven't seen anyone do it in years. Used to see it at school fete's and what not. You can make your own for kids using a broom, or tree branch.  Just find a way to make it stand up (using a bucket with a hole or bricks or heavy weight to keep it down.) Attach streamers to the top. Dance around.

In Parts of America you leave baskets of flowers or treats at friends and neighbours house
In Hawaii May Day is called Lei Day and you give Lei's
In France you give a Sprig of Lilly of the Valley to girls.

Some May Day Crafts from around the web, that we might do on Saturday.

Family Crafts - Cardboard flowers with chocolate centres
Skip to my Lou - Cone flower ding and dash
How stuff works - Leaf and flower headband
How stuff works - Paper Lei
Kaboose - Paper Plate flower basket
Enchanted Learning - Paper plate flower crown
Family Crafts - Cardboard Tube MayPole

I even explained to the kids why there was no school on Monday. They were very interested in the fact that workers don't get as many holidays as kids do :) We talked about Worker rights and they asked lots of questions. Too cute.

I think we shall celebrate May Day on Saturday with a nice dinner. The workers in this family need some more perks. Not that they work very hard. I think they have the best workers rights in the world. Their boss on the other hand - She definately needs a shorter work week ;)

Funny how a spring festival and a workers right demonstrations have fused together? And it's not even Spring here!   Happy May Day!!

Our awesome homemade maypole :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parenting Adults?

Kids are only small for such a short time.

Lately I have realised that in reality we are going to be spending most of our lives being parents to adults.

Adults we might not necessarily like.

Learning to respect them, listen to them, find joy in our differences, not being offend when they decide to not listen to me, learning to compromise, blending 6 individuals in our house together. And Like it?

So basically I need to spend time preparing myself to enjoy parenting adults.

There's another book title : Parenting Adults!

Adults who may not think like me or even like me for that matter.

As anyone (esp those of my faith) has been told : children are a gift from God.

On loan.

Our job is to lead them in the righ paths, to set them up for adulthood.

They belong to Him, and to themselves. Sadly not really to us.

What do you mean they arent mine! No, I birthed these kids. I get to tell them what to do. They are my slaves! They will listen to me and love me and provide me joy and happiness. That is their role!!

It's hard to cut the apron strings.

Even at this young age.

Family is such a funny business

*Picture by mrbPhotograhpy a long time ago.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bedroom - Check

Remember that Post about Refinement?

Well I finally got around to Refining my bedroom a little.

I really wish I had a before photo. I forgot to take one.

Basically it was tragic.Our bed has been pushed against the wall for a few years now. Our bedroom is very tiny. The Mr's desk was in our room too, Paperwork everywhere. So basically it was bed and desk, books, laundry, baby stuff. Mismatched pillowcases, Old pilled white doona cover.

One day on my own, I'd had enough. I pushed the desk out. Took everything out.

I turned the bed around to the opposite direction.

I loved it.

Shame about the door though. It was now, not possible to get INTO the room.

Oh well. Minor detail.

But this way is MUCH better.

So I got the Mr to pull the Airconditioning out of the window. There is now a 20 cm gap between the door and the bed.  I said to The Mr - Just Breathe in when coming into the room :) Imagine you're living in a New York/London Bedsit. Think Exotically :)

So that meant that after 5 years in this house, I now had space to HAVE bedside tables!!

I now know why I don't have bedside tables. The ones I like are around $250 each!! Ridiculous! I found other suitable ones but most were around the $100 even for cheap ones!

So what does one do when that price doesn't cut it? Go to Ikea.

Lack tables $20 each
Lamps  $7 each
Cushions $4 each
White throw $8
Donna Set $24
Clock $9
Vase $3
Candle $4

You get a whole room for the price of one bedside table.

Miss K came in after I set up and said "oh mum it looks just like the photos of Ikea! " Ok so she is easily impressed, but it made my sweaty, furniture moving, decorating day :)

I will admit though, for this cheap price came my hard labour. I personally do not buy things from Ikea that have many pieces (I have learnt from experience) But I figured a table which is 5 pieces shouldn't be too bad, right??

Well I was wrong. The picture instructions (destructions as we call it here) had a picture of a hand screwing in the four screws to half way. Then you screw in the leg. Easy right?

Well after almost bleeding hands, use of pliers, neighbour helping, sweating, 40 mins later... we had legs on our tables! All this because I didn't want The MR to do it, and I did the whole room as a surprise when he came home from work.

I still have artwork to add and some baskets for under the tables. And if I can do a window treatment which will make it look like the window is in the middle of the room... I will be happy (that symmetrical side coming out in me - the non centre window is driving me bonkers)

One room down...  A few more to go :)

This post is for my mother who was the one who took me to Ikea, held back crying children while I tried to match lamps, doona's, tables, cushions, throws, while I held my head in pain, who bought me lunch - who has been asking me why I haven't put it on the blog yet :)

I also learnt that possibly I am no interior designer. I went with the idea of blue in mind, found it difficult to match it all, and ended up with a green room because of those $4 cushions. Well it was so cheap I can change the colour to suit my moods no? I do like their Red items :)

Monday, April 26, 2010


Miss G loves water. Loves to swim. When she was little she would just jump into the pool and let us fish her out. She didn't care if she can't swim.

She loves the beach but is very scared of the waves. Usually she runs into the water then runs straight back out as soon as a wave comes.

This last trip to the beach with her sisters taught her to sit on all fours and dig her fingers into the sand and let the small waves hit over her and pull back. Digging into the sand kept her in place from the pulling motion.

She was very proud of her efforts this time to 'swim in the ocean'

I sat on the beach watching thinking what are my mechanisms to keep me in place?

How do I remain in place from the pulling motions?

Life is an ebb and flow.

Many things keep me anchored.

The MR
My kids
Extended Family
My Religion
My happiness
Creative outlets

My husband and kids keep me anchored. These '5 people' who rely on me and who funnily enough pull me in many directions! Yet they are like my fingers squished into the sand, holding me here from slipping away.

Me and My Five anchors - Like fingers - hold me up, carry me, lift me, bind me,  anchor me.

What keeps you anchored?

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends ~ John 15:13

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Anzac Biscuits

Anzac Biscuit Overload.

On Friday morning I got up at 6:00am to start 3 batches of Anzac Biscuits. Needed over 50 for the girls to take to their classes. I was only meant to do them for one class as the teacher asked me, but Miss K said "What about me? What about my class? I want some to take to school!"
So I made another batch hoping her teacher wouldn't mind (luckily the teacher was happy)

I was over it! I thought none for us this year.

Well  a day later I'm ok, so I made a batch for us to share tonight and tomorrow on Anzac Day.

Here's the recipe  I used at

1 cup plain flour
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup coconut
125 g butter
2 tbs golden syrup (more if you want crunchy biscuits)
1 tbs water
1/2 tsp bi carb soda

Sift flour into bowl. Add sugar, oats, coconut.
Melt butter in a saucepan. Add golden syrup and water. Stir in bi carb
Add the liquid to dry ingredients and mix.
Place tbs sized balls on greased tray. Bake at 175 degrees celcius for 15 mins.

It's the little things that make celebrations.
I'm glad I can make Anzac Biscuits to celebrate Anzac Day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Leaf Cuffs

This post as Maya*Made  had me giddy. Aren't those leather cuffs just adorable? Her last line about 'Whispers of forest magic' won me over. I need a green cuff!

I wanted to make some but had no leather. I had half a piece of green felt lying around from Christmas so I used that instead.

These were super easy to make. The hardest bit is cutting out the leaf shapes.  It took about 10 mins to make one. I made 4 in half an hour.

Miss G, who is 3 loves Tinkerbelle. So when I said Tinkerbelle wears leaves she was all over it. In the end she found it too itchy and it was lovingly bestowed to the baby who loves to wear it. However Miss G did want it back. I have worn my two days now and love it. Miss K wore hers to school all day too.

Basically cut out about 5-6 leaf shapes. Sew together down the middle pointy ends on top.

Cut a slit on one end and attach a button at the other end.

Voila - Leaf Cuff

My mother wondered if they were wreaths for Anzac Day when she saw them lying around.

Never thought of that so = Another reason to wear.

Tissue Flower Wreath

The girls school has a lovely  Anzac Day  Parade each year. Each class make a wreath to put on the schools rose bush Anzac Memorial at the school. Each year they do different types. Real flowers, paper flowers, tissue flowers, fabric flowers, photocopies etc.

Miss K came home yesterday excited about learning how to do tissue flowers.

I remember doing these as a kid, but had forgotten how. She talked me through the steps.

So today we made many tissue flowers and put them on our Birthday Candle Wreath to make a table decoration wreath for Anzac Day

First Cut a Tissue in half. Place both halves together.
From the shorter end Concertina/Fan fold the whole way up.

Staple in the middle like shown. Use a felt pen to colour the tips of the paper.
Pull out to look like a bow tie.  Slowly lift the layers of tissue upwards.

Continue until all layers up upwards - and you have a carnation looking flower.
Make a whole heap and you can stick them on a cardboard wreath or similar.

Add some leaves and a ~ Lest We Forget ~ sign.
We will be discussing family members who fought in wars while enjoying our wreath.

May you have a peaceful and wonderful Anzac Weekend.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Coming down the chimney tonight

Our very own Santa Claus
Coming to a chimney near you!

She had a wonderful time playing in the soot in the bottom of our chimney :S
She went through four changes of clothes today.
I just love crawling babies.


What you mean we have to play? And use our brains? Not to sure about that!

I'm on the ball and I don't even know it.

Did you know it is TV Turnoff Week ?

Was reading some blogs and saw people mentioning it.

I know its Wednesday, but how about a NO TV Half week?

We are almost going on two weeks with No TV now.

This was a choice made by me (and the fact that The MR took the TV cable to the church so Conference could be watched - I asked him, not to put the cable back in - has worked a treat)

I have tried several times before - but this is the first time the kids have been on board.

I will say this has been some of the best weeks of my parenting life.

They have been happier to do their homework
They have played outside ALOT more
They each have a turn cooking dinner(even the 3 year old)
They have practiced piano more (not much more, but atleast more)
They are eating less food!
Funnily enough there also seems to be less mess to clean up.
More reading of books
They are listening more, not ignoring me whilst staring at the TV

Now I like TV, and I don't think it will be a forever ban. When they can learn to regulate their viewing and not just watch aimless hours in the afternoon, I will let it back.

It also makes them look forward to Friday Night Movie Night.

I wish I had done this years ago.  Well I did, but didn't see it through I suppose.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happiest Girls in the World

The bunks have come out again to play! The girls are very very happy!

Actually I hope they get a little less happy. They were buzzing for hours yesterday. They spent 5 hours playing in here. They took a while to get to sleep.

I have been rearranging furniture like crazy. I had hoped that two beds would fit under the bunk. I even measured it wrong. I thought it wouldn't work, so was trying other layouts. Then I thought, I'll just check...yeah ....jackpot. I moved four beds, 2 desks, and even put the bunks together by myself in just a few hours!

The girls had shared a room when we had students. Due to Miss N's birth we haven't had students for 10 months. We  split the girls - two in each room. Twin beds in each room flat on the floor on opposite sides.

Lately they have been begging for the bunks back. I have been begging for my bedroom back.

So we gave in and put three in a room again. Miss N gets to share with the study and sewing room.

I think they like it cause of the endless cubby opportunities

I like it cause there is plenty of room for me to snuggle up with them.

Free Range

It all started off with this post I read at Crazyland .  She traveled to England alone and was left alone with younger siblings as a teen her first time to London. It reminded me of a blog that I read ages ago about a woman who let her 9 year old son ride the subway home alone from shopping in New York, on purpose. So I googled it to find it again here at Free Range Kids ( I have spent hours reading back posts. Very interesting read. Love her stuff.)

Apparently statistically children are safer today than children were in the 70's and 80's. So if you grew up playing in the street then - chances are your children will be even safer. The problem with today is terrible crimes are in the media more and played around the world. Children are  more likely to be abused by family and friends than a stranger. Even as parents chances of them being mistreated by yourself is much higher than anything else.

Now I can't say I am really a Free Range Parent   Maybe an Egg? Trying to hatch?

I try to employ non Helicopter Parenting, but am still taking babysteps. Before I had kids I thought yeah, I'll be cool and all.. then you have kids and your fears come in to play.

I try not to watch the kids in the back yard.
I let them play in the empty lot next door and lane occassionally ( I sneak looks so they dont know I am watching)
I have let Miss A (7) walk our neighbour two blocks to the neighbours ride to school, alone. ( I drive along later and pick up MissA)
The kids wander alone before and after church (not really alone as there is a bazillion people in the halls)
The Mr let the kids go to the fish and chip shop alone once - but I caved and made him go up after them after 5 mins!(In my defense its on a busy major road and weird people hang around up there - but the kids were MAD when he came to get them - I think it put back their trust in us that we trust them. Sad.)

So I can count these times on one hand!! Pretty sad really.

A Perfect Example

Just the other day, my neighbour took Miss A to walk up a waterfall at Mt Cootha. Yes - they walk up the river then up the rocks to the top of the falls. ( A little dangerous but it isnt too high) At the top my neighbour rested. The girls wanted to go 'further' along the river. She let them!!! Alone. As she was telling me this I got a bit anxious, like I didn't like it. But then I thought to myself - its good for the kids to explore alone... think positive!! . She said they came back and told her that they both did a wee in the bush as they needed to go to the toilet!! LOL LOL

The Mr likes to wax lyrical about when he was 10 he delivered newspapers. Alone. In the morning dark, In the middle of Melbourne Winters, with 4 layers of clothes and gloves on. Miss K is 9  - would I let her do the same thing next year?? NO WAY! and that is really a shame. Another shame is now apparently many of these types of things are no longer allowed to be done by people under 18 because of liability. Sad.

Now I don't want anything bad to happen to my children. No parent does. But things happen anyway. I used to discuss with The MR what would we do if an accident happend to our children in the care of someone else, or in the others care. We said we would not blame eachother or another.(well atleast try not to) I hope that may be the case if anything terrible ever befalls our kids.  In the old days people had 9 kids cause they knew 3 or more might die. There are so many bad things out in the world. I try to tell myself this. Reality is, something bad could happen to one of my kids. My own father died in  a car accident. Hit by a drunk driver. My mother was in worse condition (and pregnant with me) yet he was the one that died.
A few high profile recent kidnapping cases the parents were nearby. The kidnapping of Jaycee Duggard the one captive for 18 years her Dad saw it happen,  the girl in Salt Lake City, her parents were in the house. So perhaps these are freak of nature things that perhaps you can't really prevent.

Posts at free range parenting that I liked
What makes Finnish Kids Smart?
Why Sex Offender Registry's Don't Work
Mean World Syndrome
Why Anti Bacterial Gel isn't the answer
Ways for Kids to Volunteer
Why Boredom is good for kids
Example of a Perfect Free Range Childhood
Another Free Range Childhood told by child

So I wrote this post a week ago and never posted it.

I have implemented some more free range for the kids and it is going wonderful. It happend to co incide with our NO TV week, so that was perfect.  The older 3 girls have had to play outside each afternoon. I have let them go to the empty lot and in the lane without sneeking peeks at them, expecting them to look out for one another (they are so close that I can hear them though)

The older two have been to the park with a half hour limit and have done great! They came skipping home yelling out " WERE HOME" and were absolutely grinning in pleasure.

More playing on the path out the front of our house, riding up and down the street. Best to let everyone know who lives here! and maybe we can meet some other kids that way.

As stated in the above link  A child that is walked around the neighbourhood (by you) as a tiny infant and continued for years is the most safe child. A child that the neighbourhood knows, shop keepers, librarians etc,  a child that is able to walk around (when old enough) not one sequested in a house that has no chance to be known, is the safer child.

In today's world it is so hard to do this.

I know cause I spent the half hour my older girls went to the park biting my nails!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Anzac Cake

We usually make Anzac Biscuits leading up to Anzac Day.

I saw this recipe  for Anzac Cake  in a magazine and thought it sounded like a good twist on the usual.

I will say that I ate this cake warm and I did not like it. Tasted like a terrible sticky date pudding with oats in it. I was sad. I was really hoping for something good with this recipe. However I ate it the next day cold with a cup of milk and could not get enough! I think I ate five pieces that day and had to go buy more milk cause I drank it all. Cold - it was like a heavy sweet Oaty loaf. Yum.

Also I have never made a cake with so many eggs! That scared me a little :) I loved the use of caster sugar to coat the pan. It made a lovely sweet crunchy edge to the cake. Was delicious. I am going to do this to all my cakes from now on I think.

Anzac Day Cake
melted butter for greasing
caster sugar for dusting
125g unsalted butter
250g golden syrup
6 eggs
120g self raising flour  (I used 1 cup)
120g rolled oats  (i used 1 cup)
150g dessicated coconut (I used 1 cup)
80g icing sugar
1/4 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup dark rum  (I used water!)
cream to serve


Preheat oven to 170c  line and grease a 23cm round cake tin, dust with caster sugar.

Melt butter and golden syrup in small pan over a low heat. Set aside to cool slightly, then beat in eggs.

Combine flour,oats,coconut and icing sugar in a bowl,stir in butter mixture.Spoon into prepared tin and bake for 20-25 mins or until a skewer inserted in centre comes out clean. Set aside for 5 mins.

Meanwhile bring caster sugar water to the boil, cook for 5 mins, then set aside.
Gently turn out cake onto wire rack to cool.

Serve drizzled with syrup and cream (I drizzeled the syrup all over the cake beforehand)

I think I prefer Anzac Biscuits more though, so I will make some this week! But this was a nice alternative.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. ~ 1 John 4:7

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Fortune

The local public telephone box

For an afterschool activity we wrote some loving messages on heart post it notes.

The two older girls were then allowed to go around the local area and leave little messages where they might give people a smile. I gave them a camera so they could take photos of places they left a message. I said try not to draw too much attention to yourselves.

So much fun - like secret agents.

We have done this before but the same way Nie Nie did here at her post Read Me Happy Fortunes  I loved her idea so much. Leaving happy little messages around town is so much fun. Go and try it.
You are loved

This one cracked me up! On the road crossing button!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Green Goo

My kids came up with the recipe for this. I found them in the kitchen with a bowl full of water and green food colouring. They poured in some vinegar and then were sprinkling in bi carb for the 'volcano' bubbly effect.

When they grew bored of that they said they wanted to make their water 'thicker' and went off looking for cornflour, only to find none. They then decided on flour, but I was able to talk them out of it.

I found an old small container of gelatine  - some leftover thing from some recipe years ago no doubt.

We spinkled in half the jar and watched and played as the green goo became thicker by the minute.

After a while they had the perfect goop.

It started as a swamp for toys. Then their hands ended up in it, then it started dripping - so I ordered them OUTSIDE goo, animals and all to play in the grass. They came back covered in green, I had a jiggily leftovers all over the bath (and they managed to drop the ceramic dish and smash it) but other than that this was a great sensory, fun activity. Instigated by them.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Table Talk

I was depressed about my table.

Really Sad.

I want a new one.

Half of the chairs are broken.

It's embarrassing really.

Most people I know and the blogs I read -  the people have beautiful tables.

With centrepieces. Or funky artwork, clocks or decorations  behind.

I'm in the thoughts of redesigning all our rooms. The loungeroom and dining most specifically. Changing styles, layouts, new furniture. Thinking alot about how to minimalise in this small house, yet live a fullfilling enriching life. We do want to live here. We do want to be able to do stuff and have things, yet have a sleeker look.

So I once again pointed out how disgusting and embarassing our table is to The MR

"But I love it this way, it's beautful" he said.

"Its our table. We use it. Alot. It shows marks of love and use.

He had to go and pull THAT card didn't he.

One of my favourite passages from 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families is about the kitchen table.

I cut out my wedding dress at the same place where I memorized my spelling words. It was the same place I ated cookies each day after school. It was there as I prepared for the SAT's. My husband to be was grilled mercilessly in the same spot. Much of what I have learnt and hold dear is inextricably intetwined with the kitchen table. That 4x6 scratched and worn piece of furniture was a small physical part of my home. Yet as I look back on what we did there, I realize that it was a key to the life I now have.

As I struggle each night to get dinner on my kitchen table and round up my children from the four corners of the neighbourhood, I wonder why I dont just send them to their rooms with a chicken pot pie and tv. I don't because I am giving them the gift of the kitchen table. Perhaps it is in the genes. Or perhaps it is that kitchen table. That magical place where I learnt responsibility and felt love and security.

There's something about a kitchen table.

Marianne Jennings - The seven habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen Covey pg 282-283

A couple of years into being married we wanted a big table. A big one for our family and all that we planned to do around it. We got the biggest in the shop at the time. Its 110x210cm. We knew it would get used and abused, so decided on a wood one that could be sanded back and be repainted if it got too bad.

That was my choice at the time to. So now I should stick to it now.

That big old wooden table that has definately been abused.

Now where's that electric sander?    *looks around*

*and don't give me 'the table looks fine' rubbish. That photo makes it look good. It has nikko stains, blue, red and green paint that won't come off, purple bleeding tissue paper stains, a green holly leaf shape stain from christmas tinsel, carvings, a nikko teddy bear drawn on the top, circle drawings dug in by a ball point pen, knife and fork stabbings, bare patches where I scrubbed off other offending things and ended up scrubbing off the lacquer!!.. and the list goes on. Not to mention only four still together chairs out of 8.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A bit of fresh air

Now I know what you will look like in 70 years time.

Short, Chunky in a Soft cotton house dress and runners :)

On the last day of the holidays I took 5 kids to the museum and the art gallery.

There was this lovely interactive art instalment piece.

A pile of recyclable rubbish. It was huge. The kids were encouraged to make aeroplanes out of it.
The planes would then be displayed as part of the art.

Then there was this lovely room for quiet reflection.

With so many kids in and out, I don't know how quiet we were. But the girls managed these poses on their own.

But their favourite thing?

The air vents along the way. There are about 15 of these.

They knew from previous visits what these airvents can do.

Al`a Marilyn Monroe.

They did this for over 10 mins. Walking from one vent to the next. All 4 of them in a row.

The looks I got! Pointing, nods, smirks, whispers between friends.

But most people had a chuckle and thought the girls were hilarious..

Glad we could make other peoples day. Laughing at us, or with us I suppose

We all need a little fun now and then. And a bit of fresh air :)

Conference Catchup

Saturday Conference Afternooon:  at the park afterwards

An old Jewish legend tells of two brothers, Abram and Zimri, who owned a field and worked it together. They agreed to divide both the labor and the harvest equally. One night as the harvest came to a close, Zimri could not sleep, for it didn’t seem right that Abram, who had a wife and seven sons to feed, should receive only half of the harvest, while he, with only himself to support, had so much.

So Zimri dressed and quietly went into the field, where he took a third of his harvest and put it in his brother’s pile. He then returned to his bed, satisfied that he had done the right thing.

Meanwhile, Abram could not sleep either. He thought of his poor brother, Zimri, who was all alone and had no sons to help him with the work. It did not seem right that Zimri, who worked so hard by himself, should get only half of the harvest. Surely this was not pleasing to God. And so Abram quietly went to the fields, where he took a third of his harvest and placed it in the pile of his beloved brother.

The next morning, the brothers went to the field and were both astonished that the piles still looked to be the same size. That night both brothers slipped out of their houses to repeat their efforts of the previous night. But this time they discovered each other, and when they did, they wept and embraced. Neither could speak, for their hearts were overcome with love and gratitude.

This story made me reflect on a few things.

Love, Kindness and the whole Grass is greener on the other side. No matter who you are, where you are - You can always have a different perspective. It's time to step back and look at things as they really are. Should I think I deserve the things I do? Should I think of my fellow other as these two brothers did. Nothing is ever what it seems. Look deeply.
This story came from the awesome talk at conference by You are my Hands  By Dieter F Uchtdorf - I think he might be my favourite apostle :) That's if - you know, we had favourites :)

Mothers and Daughters  by  M. Russell Ballard was of course most fitting for me. A talk that will be looked at time and time again.

and though sad of topic, a timely reminder to Turn to the Lord by Donald L Hallstrom - If tragedy does befall us - where will we turn?

Even though I pretty much heard nil of conference (thanks to lovely squirmy girls) I am glad I can read online and read the ensign when it arrives.

Monday, April 12, 2010

See you next year

Goodbye Easter Holidays. See you next year. We had such fun. I almost don't want you to end.
 Please come again with good weather, family, chocolate, church and cuteness. We love you.

But even this bunny needs a rest.


This Girl loves to Talk

Bed Wars

Sometimes I wish I could cover my room in super soft comfy mattresses.

The whole room.

Then we could all sleep in there.

No musical beds.

No crying out about  - bad dreams, sore legs, scared, thirst

No two hours at night rotating between rooms at bedtime. No reassurances needed at the cot, no laying on my bed with Miss G, no singing in another room to Miss A (the only person who will ever ask me to sing), chat time with Miss K, favourite books in different beds, waterbottles, tooth brushing and sometimes returnings - returned to their beds.

And think of what I could do with the spare rooms!

A study, Toy Room, Craft room.. the options are limitless.

When we had international students living with us the three girls shared a room.

I can't tell you the incredulous looks I would get from people when I said I had 3 in a room. When I was pregnant with number 4 I would joke 'can I squeeze 4 in a room?"  Pretty much amounts to child abuse these days. (Don't joke The Mr shared a room with his 3 brothers at one stage - two sets of bunks and he turned out ok :)

The girls didn't complain, in fact they were a little sad when I split them. They rarely went in their room except to sleep anyways. I don't have teenagers needing space trying to avoid us (yet!)

But as with everything I seem to suffer from split personality - I do like my space  so alas the dreams of a sumptous pillow filled room may go unfilled. Though I do know families who do it. I applaud them. I am secretly jealous. Because if I am going to get a visitor or two every few nights - I might as well have a BIGGER BED! A bed the size of the whole room!

Or if I had the money I would buy 4 of  these little beds   or these   or two of these as bunks   and line the girls up in one room ala` Madeline . -
`In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.`

Ahh Bed wars - where would any parent be without them?

Really all I want is to hop in a bed for a long long time :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness. ~ Alma 27:18

Saturday, April 10, 2010

We are Family

Was lucky enough to get some photos by the wonderfully talented Zanabelle Photography at Easter. She's busy, yet kindly took time to take pity upon us. I might even book her next time :)
As you should do. Now.

Go to her Facebook Fan Page to check out lots of her beautiful work (People more attractive than us :)