Kids are only small for such a short time.
Lately I have realised that in reality we are going to be spending most of our lives being parents to adults.
Adults we might not necessarily like.
Learning to respect them, listen to them, find joy in our differences, not being offend when they decide to not listen to me, learning to compromise, blending 6 individuals in our house together. And Like it?
So basically I need to spend time preparing myself to enjoy parenting adults.
There's another book title : Parenting Adults!
Adults who may not think like me or even like me for that matter.
As anyone (esp those of my faith) has been told : children are a gift from God.
On loan.
Our job is to lead them in the righ paths, to set them up for adulthood.
They belong to Him, and to themselves. Sadly not really to us.
It's hard to cut the apron strings.
Even at this young age.
Family is such a funny business
*Picture by mrbPhotograhpy a long time ago.
A great post, Bobbie. It has really got me thinking. Thanks!