Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bedroom - Check

Remember that Post about Refinement?

Well I finally got around to Refining my bedroom a little.

I really wish I had a before photo. I forgot to take one.

Basically it was tragic.Our bed has been pushed against the wall for a few years now. Our bedroom is very tiny. The Mr's desk was in our room too, Paperwork everywhere. So basically it was bed and desk, books, laundry, baby stuff. Mismatched pillowcases, Old pilled white doona cover.

One day on my own, I'd had enough. I pushed the desk out. Took everything out.

I turned the bed around to the opposite direction.

I loved it.

Shame about the door though. It was now, not possible to get INTO the room.

Oh well. Minor detail.

But this way is MUCH better.

So I got the Mr to pull the Airconditioning out of the window. There is now a 20 cm gap between the door and the bed.  I said to The Mr - Just Breathe in when coming into the room :) Imagine you're living in a New York/London Bedsit. Think Exotically :)

So that meant that after 5 years in this house, I now had space to HAVE bedside tables!!

I now know why I don't have bedside tables. The ones I like are around $250 each!! Ridiculous! I found other suitable ones but most were around the $100 even for cheap ones!

So what does one do when that price doesn't cut it? Go to Ikea.

Lack tables $20 each
Lamps  $7 each
Cushions $4 each
White throw $8
Donna Set $24
Clock $9
Vase $3
Candle $4

You get a whole room for the price of one bedside table.

Miss K came in after I set up and said "oh mum it looks just like the photos of Ikea! " Ok so she is easily impressed, but it made my sweaty, furniture moving, decorating day :)

I will admit though, for this cheap price came my hard labour. I personally do not buy things from Ikea that have many pieces (I have learnt from experience) But I figured a table which is 5 pieces shouldn't be too bad, right??

Well I was wrong. The picture instructions (destructions as we call it here) had a picture of a hand screwing in the four screws to half way. Then you screw in the leg. Easy right?

Well after almost bleeding hands, use of pliers, neighbour helping, sweating, 40 mins later... we had legs on our tables! All this because I didn't want The MR to do it, and I did the whole room as a surprise when he came home from work.

I still have artwork to add and some baskets for under the tables. And if I can do a window treatment which will make it look like the window is in the middle of the room... I will be happy (that symmetrical side coming out in me - the non centre window is driving me bonkers)

One room down...  A few more to go :)

This post is for my mother who was the one who took me to Ikea, held back crying children while I tried to match lamps, doona's, tables, cushions, throws, while I held my head in pain, who bought me lunch - who has been asking me why I haven't put it on the blog yet :)

I also learnt that possibly I am no interior designer. I went with the idea of blue in mind, found it difficult to match it all, and ended up with a green room because of those $4 cushions. Well it was so cheap I can change the colour to suit my moods no? I do like their Red items :)


  1. I love Ikea!! A friend of mine introduced me to it last year - the only decent size thing I have got is a medium size book shelf...I love it. The red stuff is awesome too - and the lamps, and the kids stuff, and the vases - you get the picture :)...every time I go I fantasize about having a house and decorating the hell out of it! lol

  2. Hooray Bobbie!
    I'm really passionate about the bedroom only being a bedroom. Wish I could have been there to help you shove that desk out the door. The door opening is only a minor detail and makes that gorgeous room all worth it. I hope your satisfied with all your hard work and you enjoyed the process, your room will continue to evolve into a your perfect sanctury.
    Big hugs to Lorraine - she's a saint for helping so much!
    Am so excited for you!
    PS couldn't have helped with the tables am lousy at reading instructions!

  3. So I suppose you want me to remove the airconditioner unit under my bedside table.

    I like the new look.

  4. well done Bobbie! it looks cute, i love the doona set covers..

  5. Great job Bobbie! I know what you mean, sometimes I go a little crazy decorating our small flat. One of the best things that I've heard is to reuse the items that you already have, moving them from one room to another, repainting, recovering...that kind of thing. Its not ALWAYS ideal, but I just redid our bedroom too and moved a bunch of things around and stole the doona cover from the spare room as a throw for the bottom of our bed . Kurt came in and was like "that looks really good....what happened to bedspread in the spare room?" Oh well...

  6. awesome job bobbie! it looks fantastic!
    i LOVE RED!!!!
    i've been wanting to do the decorating thing for ages!
    You've inspired me, i love ikea but haven't been there for ages. will have to go back now to check things out :)


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