Monday, October 15, 2012

Fundraisers and Conference

On the weekend I was able to attend the A miracle for Marianne Fundraiser.

The Marianne Thrush Appeal has been organised to assist Marianne Thrush have a second chance at life when she makes medical history becoming the first in Australia to undergo a full stomach transplant. Marianne will also receive a new small intestine, pancreas and duodenum in the marathon operation at the Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, Melbourne. All money raised will go towards general living expenses for Marianne, her mother Lorraine and younger brother Scotty, who is still at school. The family are now separated from other family in Brisbane when it became necessary for Marianne to be transferred from the Princess Alexander Hospital in Brisbane in April this year and are trying to run two homes.

On the weekend I was thinking about the Thrush family and the very first time I saw them. 14 years ago I remember their family of 8 filing into our church at Kangaroo Point in single file from oldest to youngest dressed ever so perfectly and demurely. They were visiting our church for the first time investigating our religion and I think everyone was so taken with how perfect and well behaved and wonderful their family was. We moved away soon after but still see some of the family around at different occasions.

I was so happy to be able to attend this fundraiser and gave my girls free for all do anything they wanted. Facepainting, chocolate bar coin toss, popcorn, softdrinks, photobooth, oreo balls, brownies, sausage sizzle. It was so nice to know 100% of the money was going to Marianne and her family.

There was such a positive feeling at this activity. People donating their time and money and goods all working together for a common goal. Just such a lovely feeling. With a small group of people almost $5000 was raised in a few hours! What a wonderful response and congratulations to those that pulled it all together.

If you couldn't make the activity and can't make the Fun Run here is the banking details if you wish to make a donation:
Commonwealth Bank
Name: The Marianne Thrush Appeal
BSB: 064 480
Account: 10380831

The rest of the weekend was conference.

We had our conference cinnamon rolls (second year now... is it becoming a tradition?)
covered our lounge with mattresses and pillows and blankets.

For the first time ever ALL the girls sat and watched ALL four hours of conference.
Then the next day they all sat and watched in church.

My heart swelled. You know all those years you struggle. You always think arrgggg is this worth it!?! I used to get so frustrated and think you've been coming to church every sunday for ____ years and you still don't know how to sit still!?!

It may have taken 10 years but all that slow training is worth it. They sit for 5 mins one year, 10 the next, and eventually they can do hour stretch. Now to work on absorbing all the information they are listening to! Consequently tonight we are planning Conference Jepoardy for FHE.

Such a wonderful weekend with wonderful weather, food and spirit.

Our photobooth photos cause they're fun


  1. Bobbie-Jean, I love Marianne and have a special place for her in my heart. So pleased that the fundraiser was such a success. I am getting online right now to donate some money to her cause. She is such a special young lady who has so much to give. Good on you for supporting this event and I pray that all will be well with her surgery.

  2. This is cool! This gave me an idea of having a popcorn fundraising and then letting the kids enjoy face painting at the same time. Thanks so much for this.

  3. It's not easy to get the kidlets to sit still...congrats on that. (Love those teeth by the way)

  4. Wow I'm in awe with your girls watching all of conference - that's awesome! and something to be very proud of. My brother is running in that fun run this week, what a gutsy lady x

  5. Glad to hear the fundraiser was a success. Also happy to hear you got your girls to watch 4 HOURS of conference.Wow. This has given me hope ;)


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