Friday, October 19, 2012

Scheduling time

Last year my brother and sister organized a dessert night for their birthdays. It was so nice just to have us siblings together. We said 'when was the last time JUST us four were together....ummmm'

when we were kids??

Crazy isnt it!

So they once again organized another one for this year birthday.

Such a lovely treat.

No kids and just my brothers and sisters.

Oh they make me laugh. I love to laugh with them.

and its reminded me that sometimes we forget to make time for those that matter to us.

How often do I set time aside for my grandmothers, time for siblings, and even alone time with husband?!

When we have our own families to worry about our previous families are often forgotten and left behind. Which is kinda sad. those relationships left untended to shrivel. We might see eachother every 6-8 weeks or so at birthdays, gatherings, functions... but do we really SEE eachother?

One time I was talking in a group about families and I realized that I rarely call my siblings.
Without facebook I don't think we would ever talk. Sad.

So I'm grateful. For siblings.

For siblings who organize dessert dinners.


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talk talk talk... leave me some talk!