Monday, March 4, 2013

Anatomy of a birthday

A 12 year old. 12 year old!!
So innocent and sweet yet growing and maturing. The last year of childhood?

The only of my children who needs to be woken up on their birthday !?!
Candle Ring and Presents and Birthday Crown and Kisses
Reading of the Birthday Letter and Opening Presents
Daddy found one of her only original baby toys and put it on the table as a joke :)

Birthday Girl choice of breakfast - Pancakes and Berries and Cream
The famous Birthday Shirts. Thinking outside the box this year
Red Dress and Birthday Gift Cat Necklace for Church
Family Photo just cause we are dressed neat
12 Candles and Chocolate Cake for Lunch
Pavlova and Berries Made by Birthday Girl for Dessert
The End
But lots more to come - a pamper party and first visit to the temple
You might notice that we use birthdays as an excuse to stick candles in everything.
cheap and easy and makes any day feel festive.

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