Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Easter Tree 2013


We've put up our Easter Tree for this year.

Since I unpack the same decorations from storage it doesn't change much.

But it is always a little different as the sticks are just grabbed out of the back yard.

I was also happy to see that my BiCarb Cornflour Ornaments  made last year are in PERFECT condition! I had almost forgot about them,  seeing them makes me want to make more again.

So even though it is more of the same please indulge in more Easter Tree Photos.

Just as we have a tradition of each kids getting a photo taken while putting the Star on the Christmas Tree we also get photos of each of the kids putting an egg or decoration onto the Easter Tree.

Plus its also fun to look  back on how they've grown!


I was so happy this week to receive several messages/photos from people who made an Easter Tree via the idea being on my FHE ideas facebook page. Idea has also been posted here The FHE Spot.

You all made my day!!

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