Sunday, March 10, 2013
FHE Lesson {Spiritual Egg Hunt}
Opening Song: He sent his Son #34
Opening Prayer:
Have a paper easter egg hunt. I purchased a similar thing from a store, but you could easily make yourself. It had paper eggs, basket to put eggs in and arrow signs to point the directions to go.
On the back of the eggs write about something that happened in the lead up to Easter Sunday. You can have the children collect the eggs in order, or you can put them in order once they have all been found around the house.
Just draw an easy picture or write a few words on the back of each egg about the following things:
Palm Sunday
Washing of Disciples Feet
The First Sacrament
Garden of Gethsemene
Easter Sunday- He is Risen
Here are the links to the Gospel Art Picture Kits Pictures .
You could print the pictures small and glue on the egg.
or just use the pictures to refer to when putting the eggs in order and discussing what actually happened the week leading up to Easter.
Jesus Washing the Disciples Feet (#226)
Jesus Praying in Gethsemene Picture (#227)
Betrayal of Christ Picture (#228)
The Crucifixtion of Christ Picture (#230
The Tomb Picture (#232)
Mary and the Ressurected Lord Picture (#233)
Jesus Shows his wounds Picture (#234)
Briefly talk about what happened the week leading up to Easter.
I found this PDF from April 2011 Friend magazine very helpful
Additional Activity:
Road to Easter Cut and Paste Work sheet
Closing Song: Jesus Has Risen #70
Closing Prayer: Child
Treat Ideas:
Easter Eggs
Make Egg shaped sugar cookies
Boiled Eggs
Fill some plastic Eggs with small candy
Love this. Thanks for all your hard work. I was just gonna say, I took the link for the Easter countdown and I'm going to cut out each day, and place each one inside an egg. Then I'm going to read clues (in order) for each egg. Have my kids race to find it, come back and review it, and then read the next clue for the next egg. I'll finish with a clue for eggs with candy in them. Perfect. Thanks so much!