We are encourage by the Pacific Area Presidency to Hold a Family Home Evening on the 1st of February to discuss how each family can come up with a 'tailored to them' list to complement the Pacific Area Goals.
2016 Goals are:
Honour the Sabbath day at Home and Church
Increase Spiritual and Temporal Self Reliance
Hasten the Work of Salvation
Seek the Blessings of the Temple
Find four pictures to match the Goals.
{We will probably draw ours on our whiteboard}
eg Draw a house/church, praying arms, a picture of scriptures and a temple.
Think of ONE or Several goals your family could make under each heading.
Some examples:
ONE thing we will do different on a Sunday. One new activity you will do.
Make an educational goal for individuals
learn spell words, improve maths, set alarm to make it to school on time every day,
Make a spiritual goal.
Read the Book of Mormon.
Assist seminary aged kids in learning scripture mastery
Ponderise a scripture each week/month
Hold family prayer at a set time daily
Think of someone who you can help/befriend at church this year
Hold FHE about the temple. Take small children to visit the outside of the Temple
Complete 15 in 15 Family History. Show pictures of relatives. Teach children about their ancestors.
Copy and make this Sabbath Day Plan from lds.org

To keep kids busy if need use old church magazines, print things online have them cut out pictures that will match your goals, even draw to make a collage of all your ideas.
Find pictures that represent a goal in each category. Stick these pictures on a chart with the four headings. Use it to play a matching game with kids.
Set achievable and measurable goals for your family. Pray that the outcome will be the area of vision To strengthen families and individuals by increasing faith and trust in Heavenly Father and in Jesus Christ and in the Atonement.
Closing Song:
Closing Prayer:
Awesome idea. Thank you for posting this. Will be using it tomorrow for sure.