Sunday, February 7, 2016


Some of our heart collection

Have a heart on display {paper heart, toy heart, drawn whatever}
What do you think of when you see a heart {LOVE!}

Find out how your child likes to feel loved by asking “How do you know when someone loves you?”  Think about your own answers to this question also
List ways mentioned. 
This will help us to remember how to show love to others too.
{Being hugged. Saying I love you. Showing Support. Being Kind. A kiss before bed etc}

Everyone should know that they are loved!

Sing As I Have loved you

Learn in sign language for extra fun

OR for a simple activity teach children sign language for I LOVE YOU

Jesus gave us the ultimate example.

John 13:34-35
34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
He didn't suggest. It is a commandment to love others.
Just as we love to be loved, we should love others also.
See here for 3 Bible Stories that teach kids about love


Make Heart Maps - Lesson Here
{idea found here at Chocolate on my Cranium } to show all the things you love

Make some Random acts of kindness - write a sweet happy anonymous notes and put in your neighbours letterbox. We've also left happy notes on post its and left them in places around the neighbourhood {the public phone box, toilets, park, walkway, benches} 
You are LOVED would be a good one! I've also heard of people who like to slip upbeat notes into library books waiting for unsuspecting people to find.

Have a toy heart and when children do a kindness or love one another they can keep the heart {or leave it at the spot of the good deed} have the children use the heart all week to show love around the house. Alternatively you put the heart around the house during the week in spots you've seen lov

10 ways to teach children about love

Closing Song:  Where Love Is #138

Closing Prayer:

Treat: Heart chocolates

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