I see many people give things away on their blogs. So I thought I would like to do the same. I am giving away this handmade stitching of mine (that's if anyone wants it - it is cuter than the photo looks - I promise) I will hand stitch your family name down the bottom. The stitching is maroon and would make a good christmas decoration (if you don't want to display it all year round) It is about 20 cms square. I am leaving it undone for winner to choose if they want to frame it, or if they want it sewn up like a quilt/wall hanging.
To win this lovely stitching leave a comment or email me on why your family is so great! I will choose the best entry or if they are all too good I will draw from the hat!
Good Luck!
Hi Bobbie, I love your constant balance of things you love whilst not ignoring problematic hurdles like no car or financial strains. I like to hear you find something you love, then label them as favourites. I love to hear your ramblings and have copied a line from one of your blogs as my new favourite parenting tip.
Rob and I have a small list of things we would like to instill in our children, it helps to remind us of our parental purpose and to keep Rob and I stay on the same page. One of the advantages of your church is the family lifestyle and guidelines always in discussion. Sadly in our community, family unity and how to achieve it, is not discussed as openly as in yours, and I often feel out on my own in this regard. So when I read that you wanted to teach your girls "to be self reliant producers rather than passive takers" I had to copy it down. Its my new favourite plan, and I look forward to thinking of ways to instill the same in my boys. Thank you my favourite sister in law. Karyn
Bobbie! What a great idea for a giveaway. Wonderful subject.
My family is so great because we have been through a lot, but because of that, we have come out stronger and closer than ever. We have a respect and a unconditional love for each other that is unsurpassed. In a world surrounded in judgements and conditions, it is refreshing to have a place to go and feel free to be yourself. No strings attached. My family gives me that.
I am so blessed to have such a supportive and loving family. A rare find in a lot of places today.
Thanks Bobbie for reminding me of how blessed I am... Good Day Mate.
Our family is so great because of the bigger family we belong to, including fantastic friends like you.
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